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Yes do u know how much $30 million is :D
Thanx Amber I will do my best to. ;)
Well old child my spoons are next to my forks
No I'm just not tired
Because being normal is boring and too easy.
Its a lazz car no lies but there is still no way Jade is driving.
Well then I guess were dying cause I'm not letting the woman drive no way in hell
Now that is were I draw the line. Woman voting go me scared, Woman with guns got me scared, woman with education scared me, but woman driving no way on earth or hell or heaven
Now this is a real tough one. Oh wait its ten toe's and no toe jam here currently and/or ever.
I wouldn't cry I'd bury it. Then jump off a bridge
Then because I'm so dam special the zombie will become Scarlet Johansen and I will be stuck in a love triangle!
Well what do you think I'll do sherlock. :p
Of course I would survive I've been playing Call of Duty zombies and I would pick a girl who can shoot so probably my friend Jade don't give woman a gun