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About 6 I reckon
Darcie is so nice, she is great to talk to and we have some long conversations about completely random things :') good friend!
Seems to be a really cool chick, best friends with Corrinda and looks after her which is good! :) From when I have met her she has been really nice, would like to know her more :)
seriously you won't to know really bad :') why does it even matter?
I won't mind if you send me an inbox asking me, ill tell you then :)
I personally have no idea, why? ask him????
Cool guy, never really talked to him up to lately but we now talk a bit and its good. Has some of the same interests as me which I like talking to him about :)
You would like to know wouldn't you ;)
Ill gladly answer through an inbox ok ok
Um inbox me and Illl gladly tell you :)
em you're a funny chick, always making me laugh and always playing GTA! I enjoy talking to you we always have something to talk about, oh yeah and you're a huge fgt! ;)
Dude I miss you heaps, we never see each other or talk anymore which makes me sad :( You were my best friend for ages. miss you bro gotta catch up soon okay xx
You are like the greatest kid I swear! We have been friends for ages and it's great :') we have done heaps together, and you're are like my brother! Love you brother <3
Facey bc swag
Me, myself and I good enough answer :)
Sure baby, right now I am free?? ;)
Being cooot xxxx
I would have to say many things :)
Thank you jack honestly!! <3
You are perfect too anonymous! :*
Thank you honestly <3
What do you mean. I didn't move on. I clearly knew that she deserved better than what I could ever give. I told her she deserved the best from someone else not from me ever. Yes I am stupid. But I clearly didn't know she started to like me it was very difficult to tell and yet I wouldn't think she would like me. She is entitled to hate me now I see. I just thought she was beginning to trust me more, that is all. But say all you want my opinions doesn't really change much does it? I classed her as a sister. And that's what I told her, and yeah I hugged her a lot but she was my best friend I do that to best friends :/ but yes she is entitled to hate me. I honestly don't see that clear anyway.
Dani is honestly perfect, she makes me so happy no matter what mood I am in. Her smile, her eyes, her face, her hair, her body, her laugh, her voice, her personality, her heart absolutely everything is perfect about her. She is honestly one of the cutest people I know. And I can't believe how she has never had a boyfriend because everyone is missing out so so so much. Our conversations are so cute and we cannot stop talking like ever, I like her a lot <3
Such a lovely girl, always here for me no matter what. I trust her so much and I can count on her for almost anything! Have had some really funny moments at school with her :) and it's nice to be around her because she is always smiling and happy. Makes everyone else joyful and tries her hardest for many things. :D
It was because personal issues but that will probably change next time I see her :)
Awh thank you :) I surely will you don't have to worry about that!!! :D
Yes it that a problem?
Look at my last answer.
We have kissed and hugged, that's all.
Dani :)
Probably love that one person and not to be in fear. <3
Yeah I do actually :)
Everything yo!
Ill rek u m8 *** ova wreked
I am the legendary super sand ;)
Jacky there can be two gods so be nice ;)
Oh you should ;)
Really nice girl!! Haven't talked to you in a while but you are great to talk to and fab! :) miss you!!
Ill prove it just wait ;) I am now the almighty god!! ;)
You are the babe ;) and I'm not even a god but ty ;)
Oh thank you!! I have a feeling I know who you are ;) you are a lovely person!! You just out a bigger smile on my face so good job! ;)
Aw such a great and friendly person! Always good to talk to!! Should talk again to be honest!! :)
Miss a few :( not going to say names though.
nope never have :)
Probably ash Kelly and Joel winzar I miss them :(
Stop talking about yourself anon! ;)
Aw thankyou! You probably made my snow camp fab too :*
We haven't really talked too much but she is such a lovely girl :) so nice and sweet! She deserves the best! Would like to get to know her a bit more to be honest :D
Aw thank you anon, you do too ;)
Yes I would get deep into that shi*.
Aw thank you that brightened my day a lot <3 I love you whoever you are!
If a gay guy walked up to you would you f*** him in the a*s?????
I want to kiss you too anon :*
Inbox me and I will tell you :)
Personality, similarities and they show they care. But seriously it doesn't really matter about that. If the girl shows they love you deep down then that's even better, (I still have yet come together with that person) hopefully I will eventually, still have no clue who it may be yet.
I know right come over and have some with me ;)
Pancakes are yum ;)
Uhm no soz ;)
Mmmm it's her choice. Haha!
Love who? :*
Thank you it really cheered me up! Xo
Yep? Why?
Alright ask jackie. I had no clue until I checked her qooh me. I was in a call with jackie and then I was like someone was abusing Georgia and she said yeah kyle and her are dating now. But honestly if you think I would go that low to abuse another person especially on qooh me then you must not know me at all...
It wasn't I never had a clue until jackie told me? I was upset about it but I wouldn't do that.
Just a mass f***** ;) nahhhh kidding you are a great person :D our conversations are the best and we talk like all the time ;) so funny and you are also really sweet ;)
It's their choice whatever makes Georgia happy, but honestly if you are the person abusing her about it you should just f*** off... She doesn't need it.
mmm bby that's you ;) xxxxxxx
yeah I have and that's just one of my many secrets ;)
I am sure she thinks I am annoyed at her or maybe even annoyed but I am honestly not, she is a loving and caring girl and I miss talking to her and being friends with her. I would be friends again, but I don't want to bother her :) but honestly even though all our previous experiences I just want her to be happy :') she will find the greatest guy that will treat her perfect and I am glad she will, she deserves the greatest guy and a person who treats her right. I am glad she for what she did, I was bringing her down and now I relies she didn't deserve it all. She will love a happy life I am sure of it because she is so persistent and always bounces back from problems she is such a strong girl :) I just we could be friends again :)
Another one of my good friends, always here for me and always listens to my problems :) such a friendly and a kind girl :) can tell her everything! and puts up with me ;)
Honestly one of my best friends, can tell her everything and we have the weirdest conversations ;) we have a lot of the same interests also which is awesome. amazing girl! :)
aw okay ;)
thresh :)
aw nahh I am totez not gay ay ;)
Dunno ask someone else? ;) xxxx
Great guy, really nice and great to talk to. so friendly and just a good person in general! :)
MMMMMMMM yes gotta love those noodles ;)
oh really :/ I respect what you are saying, and I respect you're feelings but as you said I am not really gay haha! But honestly its okay to be it there is nothing wrong with it :) you will find someone eventually man! :D Inbox me who this is please :') I won't say a word to anyone else :) promise!
such a fgt omg ;) no really, really nice and sweet. we have funny conversations and I missed them tbh ;)
love ya man great bloke! xx
ez all the way bro!
what is this plz tell me so I do know would be lovely ;)
awww so sweet always there for me, great to talk to wonderful! so nice and really funny also :')
I don't know something to do!