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23 Replies



Kyli.eeee replied 2327 days ago

Have you ever been dared to drink water/soda/coffee/juice before a long bus or car trip?


Kyli.eeee replied 2329 days ago

Now that you going to the dance who are you going with ??

Jamie obviously ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

Kyli.eeee replied 2337 days ago

Are you going to the dance ?

Yep ?❤️

Kyli.eeee replied 2337 days ago

Do you have a boyfriend?

Nope . I’m very busy focusing on myself and do not have a *single* minute to devote to someone else ??see what I did there

Kyli.eeee replied 2337 days ago

I actually like you now ?

Thanks I guess ??

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

You say dm me but then you don’t look at your messages ?

I’m gonna answer now ?

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

How many boyfriends have you u had

You u?? I’ll rather skip that question since you are anonymous

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

Please use grammar in your answers, it’s hurting my eyes how ungrammical your sentences are ? daddaey

?Stfu why are you so rude to me

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

Why are you so fake ???

You can call me literally anything but don’t call me fake please it annoys me when someone will call me fake yet they can’t say it to my face ? jk it thanks it’s not affecting my life ?❤️

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

Are you going friday

Idk ??

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

I saw you at your school Wednesday .

Oh that’s cool not In a rude way ???

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

Why do you act so diffrent in person??

Because I’m very very very shy but if I talk to you a lot then I wouldn’t be shy actually I would I honestly don’t know why I’m so shy I was just born like that literally ??

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

Number ?¿

Dm me ❣️?

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago

Who is your current crush

I don’t know why I answered that ??

Kyli.eeee replied 2338 days ago