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NQO awukahle!
u're stupid enough 2 ask say ges bt it myt b 2 much 4 u.
if ur swati, hav a british accent, half white got green eyes and ure an mc nd ur name z not themba den yes!
yes. Me and her desparately wanted our lives 2 stop. Next time u'll get da memo!
NEVA!! It makes no sense 2 me
my degree! You break up 2 make up...
kwaze kwanzima! I duno
hawema! Yebo shem. Amen kuleyondawo!
ngiyaxolisa kanti futhi ngiyazisola
2 wat eva time in my life i'l b self efficient
coz ubab' wam uwumfundisi!
i cant dance so u might b disappointed. Bt i dnt mind sum fun as lng as its clean!
my life. My life is everyone close to me
not an option
Clearly you're from my high school years. Id like 2 believe ive grown since then. My random outbursts don't happen anymore
no. Im quite boring. I just hang around fun people
im in an open relationship, sumtymz leila lets me go off wit MMM
lol. Her intentions are good
Only if it has dimples... Are you marking my ecos test? If yes, OFC!
Dunno, You still wash them for me.
A certain someone with *exy ears
brown. Evr1 special 2 me has brown eyes. If i cud though id give them all green eyes