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Jacob you owe me a billabong
Thank you for the advice anonymous and don't tell me to smarten up my act because Rhea needs a capital letter gunna is not a word and you need a capital letter after full stops
Rhea is the most beautiful girl in the world there are no words to describe the perfect girl she is, she is so funny and smart and amazingly gorgeous and there is no one in the world I would rather be with, I probably should stop pissing her off though, love her so much
You don't think I know that? Rhea is perfect any guy would be 'punching above their weight'
*you, *are, *because, *you, *me
Sorry I forgot the credentials
Ahh thanks I guess?
Being with Rhea
Rhea,Lauren,Nicola,Pip,Tara,Pheobe Oskar,Billy,Jacob,Goose,Kim,Reaper
Too many friends
So so so so so beautiful, the best girl, trust her with my life and I love her
Thank you :)
Good a*s, good boo*s, good face
Give them a lifetime supply of gum
Of course they f***ing do who the f*** asks this kind of f***ing question?
Tara- really really nice and easy to talk to, got really close the past few weeks and she is the best! Brooke- don't really talk much at all but she is really nice and has an amazing body
Yea a little bit
Alrighty then
Personality- rhea Face- tiana Body- Brooke a*s- Tina Rack- Tina All round- rhea
what kinda bag?
iPhone because android s*cks Dic*
of course
f***ing amazing
heaps of top chicks in year 9 dont know anyone in 10,11,12
Lily mcclelland
That shi* too expensive only had enough for the gumball machine
Hahahahaha classic mostly all 10 thy 10 f**its
It's hard to remember so many Bit**es
100% sweg
Well now the secret is out
I don't know?
I didn't even f***ing say that