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Lachlan Hogan


Ask away

89 Replies

At what age do you want to get married ?

When I'm ready. I don't mind when I get married

LachieH replied 3524 days ago

What’s a common misconception people have about you?

I have no idea

LachieH replied 3571 days ago

Most expensive thing you have?

My life

LachieH replied 3582 days ago

Who are you dating?

No one. I'm single :)

LachieH replied 3587 days ago

One thing you like about yourself?

My sense of humour

LachieH replied 3595 days ago

Current mood?


LachieH replied 3598 days ago

What time do you sleep?

All the time! Nah, whenever I sleep is about right. Mostly 12 am

LachieH replied 3603 days ago

Who inspires you?

No one inspires me, only my goals or the possible rewards do

LachieH replied 3606 days ago

What freaks you out ?

Spiders, not the small tiny ones. The Big as* ones and the ones that can kill you!

LachieH replied 3613 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

All of them

LachieH replied 3619 days ago

Can money buy love?

No, I don't believe it can

LachieH replied 3622 days ago

2 things you dislike about yourself?

I cannot narrow it down to 2 things

LachieH replied 3625 days ago

How many kids do you want to have?

I won't have any because I'm a guy. And guys can't get pregnant

LachieH replied 3633 days ago

Name a person you lied to today


LachieH replied 3638 days ago

What do you s*ck at?


LachieH replied 3643 days ago