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Lol rumours are funny! Pinny jr aint even in my ballpark!
No one atm
Sarah is a really nice, attractive girl but shes only really come out of her shell this year!
With a great last day with all my friends on monday!!!
Done this already
Youve asked this 8 times and i have no idea who george is?
No idea, Bit of a shame though isnt it!
Not telling my friends hwo much i loved tyem all throughout the last 3 years
Ace you ma main man, you didnt make the big 4 but you made the phenominal 5. I love your soccer skills and kind attitude 24/7 gonna miss you buddy!
I dont like her???
Leaving my friends at grammar and losing touch with them!
If youre a part of it you will know.
Miss you all sooo much. Especially the big 4!!! Im definitely gonna be back to see all my great friends!!! Luv you all
Pretty but we are only friends
Nah we just friends
I didn't it just disappeared!?
Sid churchman
1. Sarah Hair 2. Bella Preston 3. Ashleigh Cheney 4. Caitlin Baker 5. Charlotte Hodge 6. Tegan Hall 7. Jasmine Hellyer That's all I can think of.
Kuchy is a gun and i loved her solo at showcase. Shes barely ever serious about anything and that lets her do crazy things!!!
Ali just read megs, you peeps be identical
Funny lassy who loves an arguement and always seems a bit grumpy. Never the less shes fun to be around
Currently year 9 or year 10 as in next year?
Just getting you ready for next year
Yeah i know... And i answered???
Shut up tom
well arent you just sweeter than the candy shop
Should do hearnesy
RorZ is the sickest homedog eva. He is always being an absolute spud and doing debating with him was awesome!!! Luv ya rorZ definitely gonna catch up bro!!!
I know you do!
Well aint that a shame
Yeah yeah
21 what else???
Good lad
Attractive girl who is really nicd 99% of the time and is always happy and smiling
Really nice and helpful plus it seems like shes really good at English
Attractive girl who i have been friends with for ages. I shred her on the bus sometimes but that is just how our friendship works. Really nice and kind girl who is gonna be all lonely on the bus now.
T squizzle is my babe. Loved having the bundle of joy around for the past 3 years and gonna miss him hardcore next year!! Awesome lad with potential!!! Luv ya T
About 175 cm and 62 kg
Good lad, having him on the the first half of fly fishing camp was a blast!!! Good lad just a little bit of a spud
Lol no
Haha lol yo mama
Hearnesy is a boss, she is nice most of the time and bus rides with her are an experience like no other!
Henry has been a great friend to me and thats why he will always be my number 1 lad!!! Hes the funniest lad youll ever meet and im definitely gonna come back and see him next year!!!
Webby is a weed smoking wackbag but Hes a lad and im gonna miss him!
Not a chance
GOTTA BE THE NEXT GEOGRAPHY TEACHER OF THE YEAR!!!!! Nah all kidding aside Tess is an awesome friend and real funny!!! Gonna miss copying her in geography next year
Real nice but ive only got to know her in like the last month!!
Really attractive girl and she's super funny snd has a great smile! One of my best female friends and im gonna really miss her next year. Soz grace forgot to mention i'll miss you too!! :)
Really pretty and a great friend. One of the kindest people i know and she really loves stealing my food! :)
Jane can be REAL weird sometimes but shes soooo funny!!!
Thin but size isnt the only thing that matters
Looks great now her braces are off! Shes a real alternative person and such an awesome friend!!!
Attractive, good chooser of boyfriends and she is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet!
Good lad, hot sister, **** cricketer, good debating buddy.
All really nice and attractive girls who have been great friends and im gonna miss them a lot next year!
What league do you think I am?
You tell me??.
Mrs Shinagawa because she drank way too much!!!
No she's way outta my league but I like her as a friend anyway.
I already did this yesterday
Sid churchman, Ashley Cheney, Aylin Rutherford. Personality and looks
Real pretty and really nice never heard a mean thing come out of her mouth. Really good friend to have!
I dunno rorz just comes naturally I guess
I dont like you so can you just leave me alone
Haha funny funny
Luv you too hearnesy
Who is this?
Ice I can't drink water without it
Luv you too hearnesy
Hannah Macqueen and lillie Jago
It's 0419171133
I've never been very good with making chairs, especially benches.
All really nice girls and had a great time with them in Japan!
Nice girl but don't really know her that well
Haha lol
and your proof for that is?
Pretty nice and a good friend just doesnt seem to like school camps
Text me and we can talk
Just how i am cant change it
Attractive girl seems really nice but i only got to know her at the end of this year. People judge her way too much and she doesnt deserve it.
I never said that but whatever Haha
I liked her a lot but i dont think it was ever at that stage.
One of them
Aylin Rutherford and Sid Churchman
Yeah two girls
Girls that are hot but are always doubting themselves and putting themselves down!
Whenever the right person comes along
Japan or America
Rory Van Berkel by far!!!
giving up too easily on a girl i liked back in year 7!
Maybe I am getting in with her but I actually do like her personality because she has a great one!!! So maybe you should mind your own business and **** off!!!