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Legitness? that's all i've got on the good side?
Look, I'll never hate Laoise, but hers of me is completely justified, but at the same time, whenever she's at school it's a constant reminder of a friendship that I ****ed up
I have been 'head over heels' I suppose only twice, the first time was with Laoise, I wish we were still friends at the least
there are different levels of liking someone, simply noticing them, having actual strong feelings towards them and being completely head over ****ing heels. if noticing doesn't count. i have had a crush on like six people, since year seven. No i dont have a crush on a different girl each month, im a ****head im not shallow, people move on depending on the situation, if you ask me in person i can give you examples.
Nobody knows that their joke is bad before hand, if you take the time to think it through and not say it in the moment you lose the opportunity
a ****ty joke is still a joke
not all the time, i make some really terrible jokes, and fairly often... i dont realize that they offend some people.
This seems like the kind of question I should answer with a long boring speech, to someone who wasn't anonymous
I have problems with many people, even more have problems with me, I also have a ****load more, you'll have to be more specific
Look, Laoise and I had this whole thing happen, completely my fault, we fell out, I try not to be, but she always has a go at me.
So that people can ask me questions....
No, I'm not gay, just to completely clarify, I have absolutely no problem with bi/homo*exuals but i am not one
Sorry, I made this so long ago that I don't check it, I only saw this in my email
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you are..... Emma