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Lachlan Randall



5 Replies

Thoughts??? Caitlinshaw

Good to talk to nice, funny know how to take a joke always swearing at me for some reason and yeah!!

LachyJR12 replied 3453 days ago

Thoughts?? :) Montanarose13

Good to talk to don't talk that much really pretty nice and funny and yeah

LachyJR12 replied 3454 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?


LachyJR12 replied 3500 days ago

Something you regret buying and why ?

I'm not really sure tbh

LachyJR12 replied 3510 days ago

Ew Caitlinshaw


LachyJR12 replied 3510 days ago