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Roan van Zyl<3<3<3
2 days
No I am dead.*makes scary ghost sounds* Seriously??
Ek het 'n nuwe foon gekry en ek sukkel om my bbm in reg te kry..ek sal dit gee sodra dit reg is.. Maar my whatsapp is 072 060 0442 !!*(:
Off course....that Romeo and Juliet stuff don't happen in real life!!* d:
Dit is een van CHS se matrieks!!*x Hy speel A span rugby is een van ons st6'ies se helde en is 'n prefek!*x Hy is 'n baiie goeie vriend ook!!*x
Only 2??* Try 100, my weird laugh, thighs, lashes, knees, shoulders, ears, cheeks ect. #ROTFL
Maybe? I don't know I haven't really paid attention to that!*(: Or they could just be good friends *xx Sorry*xx
Some what??* #By_The_Way it's "a some" not "an some."x (:
I Went on a #HUGE shopping spree, and I set all my bags down and when I turned around they were gone and I found out a bit later that the clown from McDonalds had them and then I had the whole Zombie Apocalypse thing going and it was just #SUPER #DUPER #HECTIC !!* (: #WhatTheFudge right!*
Nope *x Just wasn't brought up that way*(:
Not a single soul * d: xx
Ek het 'n ou !!♥x En daar is nog niie regtig iemand wat my oog vang in CHS niie !!*(: x
Hey hey..!!* Ek is saam Zanelle op vakansie !!* (: Warmbad, Phalaborwa, Kruger Wildtuin ene dan Kimberley om my #Nuwe_Baba_Boetie vir diie eerste keer te sien !!* :Dx #Iets_Om_Te_Onthou
Ohh sorry!!* :Pxx But thankks anyywaayy!!* ;)x
Maybe when I was younger.. I'm not really sure !!* :Pxx
Thankk youu!!*♥x and it's "on school funds" !!*xx
Not even in your most wildest dreams!!* :|.. And just #By_The_Way you're afrikaans... I can tell 'cause you spelt kan wrong!!* #Can ..!!* #Dumbass !!*x
Hang af wat is diie geleentheid!!* ;)xx
Uhmmm..wag ek werkk gou uit !!*;) As dit vandag Dinsdag is ook 'n week en een dag is dit Woensdag...Wanneer is 100jaar na verewig nou weer??*
"I can't believe they just filmed the Titanic sinking and didn't help anyone" :D #ROTFLMAO xx
The superpower to grant all wishes.. Including my own!!*♡xx
Being TOTALLY LEGENDARY|| AWESOME|| AMAZING and MEMORABLE...And also at being blonde and sleeping.. I do it with my eye's closed !!*♥xx
Jy het Zanelle verkeerd gespel.. Maar thanks!!*xx... Julle ook!* :)
Awww ek miss jou ook!!* :( ♡x ek hoop ek kan julle weer by interskole sien!!*x
Is niie*
Rude, Immature people and Pervv's !!*x
Haha hoe kon eke vergeet!!*;)x
No I have not..and I won't do it 'till I have a TOTALLY special gorgeous ring on my finger!!*;)x
Reinhardt .. !!*<#EkIsGoedMetName *x
I told you NOOO !!*x
Blackberry Z1, LG flex and the new Iphone!!*x :Dxx
Well dit help diie saak aan!!*x.. Eben wiie??*... My Rrrr Maii'Qiie of diie ander ene!!*x
Eben? Johan? Tyra? Weasley? Clavelle? Caity?....<<Ek weet niie!!*.. Sê jy my!!*x have nooooo idea!!*...when Studying MSW..even staring at a blank wall becomes interessting!!*x♡
Well I dated this guy..* And well he was/is still a total jerk and suchhhh an as*!!*x But my daddy thought me to laugh at my mistakes...So I laughed at him!!*x
OhMyGosh...!!*ROTFL !!*x .. Good one walter!!*x
Ahhh*... Hahaha Chocolate !!*♥.. I know what you thought!!*x<Laughing face>x
Aaaaahhh..!!* Super fun!!* ;) xx
OhMyGosh..jy vra my vas..!!*x Uhhhmmmm van waar is jj??*x
Depends !!*.. Like when it comes to's kinda the best to have the best of both worlds !!*♡x
OhMyGosh..wat is jou van??*(: .. Jammer maar ek ken 2!!*x
OhMyGosh..groot woorde!!*xx.. Maar aaaawwwwww..dankiie!!*♡x..♡ you to biitttsss*xx
I'm still buzy creating my childhood !!*<laughing face>x But my girls are •Zanelle•Timiney•Ilana•Houghlynne•Tam and yeah !!*♡x and I love them to the moon and back again !!*xx
Diie skool waarin jy is maak regtig niie eers aan my saak niie..!!*x Maar anyway..dankkie dat jy my so laag vat!*;)x
My SUPERLY cute en adorable ou!!*♡x <Wiie is jy btw #Bedoel in 'n goeie manier..>x
Want dis fun en beter as om heeltyd 'n ou grommerige suur persoon te wees!*<OhMyGosh..lag gesiggie>x .. En jinne nee..normale mense se lewens is seker vlippen boring!*♥x
Awww...OhMyGosh..I'm blushing!* :P I'm not amazing..I'm just..ordinary!*♡x
Hulle sê tog 'n meisiie is 2jaar meer volwasse as 'n seun!*<#grappie en dis net..ek ken niie regtig van diie graad 8 ouens in HLM niie en plus Roan-hulle is all vir 'n rukiie goeie vriende met my*xx
Hehe...Okk* Daar is diie ou..en hy is SUPER oulik en alles en ek hou nogal van hom !*♡x
Depends on whose calling me !!* (: By my friends it's Dina,my friends in capetown it's kousiie.. And yeah..ect !*♡x
When he's not very big on hygiene !!* :)x .... EWWWW !!*x
Success is when your signature is being called an autograph !!*♥
Totally a virgen !!*<and proud of it >x :Dx
Fudge ..!!*x<I REALLY don't liike it !!*>xx
Hehe thanx sweetiie !!* :Dxx
Haha nee dis fine ..*! Maar jy vra heeltyd oor hom !!*x Ek wil net weet hoekom jy so baiie oor hom vra !!*•
TOTES the Z1 Ultra !!*xx<dancing face ..>X
Dude hoekom vra jy my soo baiie vra oor Dewald ??*xx
Hy is 'n SUPER oulike vriend en hy is baiie sweet !!*xx
Hey hey ..*!!..Awww danKii !!* (( Drukkie ))xx (:
Pak my klere vir more en TOTES AMAZE !!*♡x
I fell infront of the < almost > WHOLE 15/A rugby team!!*=D..ROTFLMAO *x
Ek hou van Fanie soos SUPERRRR baiie..!!!*♥..En ek kan jou BELOWE daar is niks tussen ek en Roan niie..Net omdat ek close is met hom beteken dit niie dat ek en hy uitgaan niie of iets aan het of dat ek vir Faniie play nie...dit beteken net dat ons goeie vriende is..!!*x
Hay Hay!!*♡x..My BAIIE oulike BAIIE sweet ou..!!*xx