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Ask me anything

348 Replies

What would make your day?

To see this world to stop everything that's going on to destroy family's and hurt people around them

Lainewaldron replied 3029 days ago

Which song describes your mood today ?

Love yourself!

Lainewaldron replied 3140 days ago

If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?

I would start a business and help people get on track with there life's !

Lainewaldron replied 3205 days ago

What happened with your old friends like the ones you where friends with when Amelia was here?

most of them started btching about me behind my back!

Lainewaldron replied 3207 days ago

What do you want most out of life?

A happy life with the people who help me and are always there for me

Lainewaldron replied 3219 days ago

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?


Lainewaldron replied 3245 days ago

What's under your bed?

Suitcase at my dads and a mattress at my mums

Lainewaldron replied 3249 days ago

What is your current mood and why ?

Happy but confused!

Lainewaldron replied 3265 days ago

What you think of an***

Who? What?

Lainewaldron replied 3265 days ago

How do you want people to treat you ?

I just wanna be treated with respect like everyone in the world should be!

Lainewaldron replied 3286 days ago

Rate yourself out of 10


Lainewaldron replied 3290 days ago

So you bore yourself because you sit on your phone around other people!?

Actually I don't unless I hate the people I'm around or if I'm talking to someone I like. But if you have a problem private message me

Lainewaldron replied 3290 days ago

What type of people bore you ?

People who just sit on there phones around other people

Lainewaldron replied 3295 days ago

What activity always makes you lose track of time?


Lainewaldron replied 3314 days ago

Who was your first crush ?

Tom Fraser and now is a good friend

Lainewaldron replied 3331 days ago