Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Ok good to know,but you see the thing is you most probably don't know me so I'm guessing you're just doing this for attention or just to try to bully me.I do hope you know that what you said is cyber bullying and you could go to jail for that but have fun✌?
Getting one soon but not at the moment ✨
Jake Paul♥️
Laura Anne
Money and fame
That two of my friends copied ky costume idea
For me it is ro be normal/weird (well that is for me) around your friend and don't fight over little things
Being more mature
Turning 12 in May?
Im sorry I downloaded it and read the terms and conditions unfortunately i can not use it
Ok im busy downloading it?
??♀️who is the person asking this qooh?
Either how "amazing" they look that day or like phones or money,basically anything like that
Agg dankie slefte vir jou✨??
I've never had a boyfriend
I don't know and is a secret
Umm I personally don't think so but Thanks i guess..??♀️♥️
Ok I'll try
Oh my gosh♥️Thank you so much I don't even know who you are tho but you are sounding very nice and awesome♥️?
Thx i will do♥️?
Ok i will but not right now because we had to ship it over seas there is an error in the server but when i grt it back i will?And who is this
Yes i do??
Probably my IPhone 6s
Ag baie dankie?Jy weet daar is van daardie mense wat sal altyd net suur wees?
I wonder what this means but thanks...i guess??♀️
Thx✨But you can't really spark because you are gorgeous?
I would do a lot of things if I didn't have fear??????
Thank you❤️,I don't even know aho you are but whoever you are,you sre really nice♥️
I don't really have one???
UMMM probably if i have enough guts??
I think she is nice and sweet and VERY weird and silly ?
I have an IPhone 5s and 5s
Probably because of my size and because nobody likes me??☹️
Chocolate or somebody to talk to
A very tiny blackberry that could only make calls
My crush or family