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389 Replies

Jy het die mooiste bene wat ek nog ooit gesien het ! 😯

Baie dankie !🙈

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2076 days ago

Lara dit voel vir my of ek jou deur my fingers laat glip het, en ek wens tog net ek kan vir jou se hoe ek oor jou voel, 260 woorde is heeltemal te min vir als, maar moet asb nooit vir niemand verander nie girla ❤️❤️

Aww baie dankie , die was onverwags! Mag ek weet wie jy is ?❤️

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2078 days ago

Jy is net sooooooo flippen mooi! 😍😍

Aww baie baie dankie !❤️Beteken baie x

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2092 days ago

Lozer 🙄

Jy is n lozer🙄❤️

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2099 days ago

Have you ever been on a trip where they stopped at the roadside for the guys but wouldn't stop somewhere with bathrooms for the girls?

No and stop asking these questions, they’re very irritating.

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2099 days ago

Babe ek mis jou 😭

Wie is jy ?

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2099 days ago

Weet Henry julle is net vriende 🤔😂

Ja hy doen 😊

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2104 days ago

Wat is dit met jou en Henry😂

Niks nie ons is net goeie vriende

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2105 days ago

Just to bad we are far far away from each other

Nou waar is jy

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2106 days ago

Daars baie wat ek haat - daars baie wat ek like -- maar net een wat ek love --- en dis jy ??as jy net ouens soos ek n kans sal gee?

Ah wow baie dankie . ? Hoe bedoel jy ouens soos jy ?

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2107 days ago

Top 5 mooiste meisie is graad 9 en 10 ?

Daar is te veel ❤️

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2107 days ago

Hoekom sê almal jy en louis?

Niemand sê dit nie ? Hy en Jemma is saam

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2111 days ago

Jy is soos in net beautiful!! ??

Awww baie baie dankie ✨

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2113 days ago

Hypothetically, what will you do if your parents don't like the guy whom you wanna marry?

We’ll I have been in a similar situation (just not the getting married part?) but at first I couldn’t understand why my parents did what they did ,but as time passed on I realised that they actually had concrete reasons and I am so grateful that they spared me a lot of unhappiness .?We do not always like to admit it but most of the times our parents knows best.

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2115 days ago

Most beautiful girl in dinamika?

Thank you so much ?I really appreciate it !
But just to add something I believe every girl is so beautiful in their own special and unique ways ?

LaraFeenstra12 replied 2115 days ago