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I love cheese cake its my favorite type of cake
Awh this is cute
Awh thank you, who is this.
Honestly I miss no one that I was close with. You can't dwell on the past where there is so much in store for the future.
Awh! This is real cute.
Majority of my life.
Always? I've only slept with one person who called me lary and that was my ex.
Who are you?
No but I think you do.
No one calls me lary anymore. I would prefer not to and I highly doubt I ever have slept with you.
You won't know until you try.
You can't rely on anyone these days?
Thank you :)
Oh gosh!
***holes. Nah I'm attracted to bad guys who have a story behind them.
Yes by 2 people my very first relationship and some other ****.
That is just how little you know, Shoop is great the girls there are much like a family to me and I don't work for mike I work for Dem as he is the club owner and my boss. How is dancing ****ty? I don't work at a brothel i work at a club get over yourself.
I believe everyone has.
Probably my mum and dad for always supporting me and Chloe for always being there for me.
Do you seriously have nothing better to do with your time? It's getting boring now. My judgement will not change I believe you're filthy now good day.
I know how old she is she's pretty much my little sister, in your comment before you said you have things with 16 year olds you drop kick.
What do you think a 30 year old sleeping with a 16 year old is?... **** wit.
You can call me whatever you want I honestly couldn't give to ****s on what your thoughts are towards me as you don't even know me and you're too ***** hiding behind annon but I think it's filthy that a 27-30 year old wants to have *ex with a 17 year old. Dirty.
Dating a bestfriend of 5 years. I will never date another good friend again.
I had quite a few bestfriends when I was little my very first one was Annalise from kindergarten till about grade 2 and then Amy from grade 2 till grade 3 and then Alex from grade 3 till year 8
A few nights ago.
How would you even know if I have a type? Maybe inbox me and tell me who you are and we can talk? Get to know each other you know?
Thank you and I think I know who this is <3 this was an amazing thing to wake up to Love you too.
awh thank you. who are you?
A lot of things I guess.
Then go to sleep! haha!
Well none. But Russel Brand and Johnny Depp will always be my dream men!
Very happy days! :D
It use to be Lary but now if anyone calls me it I believe they may be punched in the face as only a dog called me that.
That's not what it means at all you drop kick. Why are you so concerned about my *ex life? Is yours really that bad that you need to try and get information about other peoples? I can tell you I haven't had *ex with anyone in over a month and for the past year the only person that I had slept with was the person who I was dating. Please inform me on how this makes me a sl ut?
Filing my nails.
Thanks, I don't know who you are so I can't say I would "bang" you
I'm answering this question
Several* I don't want a boy I want a man! Who are you referring to as perfect and how would you even know if I talk to "several" guys or not? You tell me the "perfect" guy and I will talk to them.
until my time is up.
I'm not a sl.ut.
When they think they're right about everything.
They do. ;)
Awh who's this?
Love you too <3
Mmhmm that's nice keep going see what happens.
Inbox me?
Just facebook and youtube yourself?
Depends who you are?
You're* That's lovely to know. I probably wouldn't **** you though.
I always have to have undies on so I wouldn't know.
I don't know who you are?
I'm just not cool enough
Umm no?
I love you too baby. <3
I haven't "rooted" anyone since I have been single? I've stayed at one guys house doesn't mean I slept with him? I've never cheated on anyone thank you. Call me a **** all you want I honestly couldn't care less. I wasn't able to dwell on my break up because Nathan was a ****ing wanker about it all. So it's okay for him to chat up girls the very next day that me and him break up but I talk to a guy normally or stay at a guys house and I've apparently "rooted" them and I'm a ****? It's lovely to find out things about myself that I didn't even know I had done, but thank you for telling me that I've apparently slept with someone I'm glad I now know this. Go fu ck ing neck yourself.
Watching now and then in bed.
Hahah doubtful.
If this is who I think it is, you can steal me any day ;)
You're* Favorite* I can't say the same, I don't know who you are.
Umm yeah people have *ex changes all the time?
Depending on what they're "changing"
Why would I be naked?
under my onesie and underwear yes.
I've never watched Game of thrones or whatever it is...
I want to get my license, have a proper job, get my own place and find the right guy to settle down with.
I am happy? Not every conversation on here is about being happy with a new guy my friends are just letting me know that there is a perfect guy out there for me. Is that really that bad? I would love for someone to share me happy life with but I don't want them to take my happiness and hurt me like what every other relationship does to me. Problem?
Awhh same back to any boy who hurts you babe!
Thanks baby I love you <3
Awh thank you baby I hope I don't get hurt anymore either, so scared to bring down the wall again but one day maybe I will find a decent guy <3 xox
not going to happen
I've had a pretty great week actually!
Awh thank you!
Then why leave me stuff?
I work on weekends... But if im free and have money hit the clubs!
What? as in job wise? I work at Sofias....