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Idk got to much stuff
Not sure right now I just stopped liking a person like 4 weeks ago
Hahah Shannie
Anyone I know
One person
To fly our to be invisible
Idk one of them would have to be angus
Miss ya to even though I don't no who this is
Did really have one because I had to many best friends
Oh because I was just going though some stuff and I felt left out and I different feel happy I was a bit depressed because we just started high school and most of my close friends went to different school (theres more to it)
It's ok I use to hate it but I just really only like the people that go there
She's so nice kind and funny haven't seen her in a while miss her some much
Inboxs me and I'll tell u
George.t Dan.f Jimmy Luca Jimma and there's more
Hey jessamie do I no u :)
I'm not
Ur Hannah aren't u
She's alright but most of the time she can be annoying
Shut up Shannie hahah :)