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Aw darling I will always be here for you! I love you too
Sushi is always the answer
Thanks man xo
School next year
In a house with the one I love
Maybe next time
Aw Migz, you warm my heart ? x
You're welcome darling! Xxx
Probably like a potato
Hoops by The Rubens
Ask a calculator
Tom, Maggie, Lisa, Darrien & Nicole because they are always there for me no matter what and even though they all pick on me, I love them all heaps ?
Aw thanks darling
That school is worth completing
Hello Migz ☺️
To stop regretting the past and letting it hurt me. I know I have to be the one to change it, but it's not easy to do
A week ago I would have said Yahtzee and baths, but right now I don't know that I have one
My mum, she supports me with all my decisions, helps me with everything I need even if it's just a shoulder to cry on, and is always there for me when I need her ❤️❤️
When you go to bed each night, loving the day you had and not regretting what you did
You're my number 1 Migz ?❤️
He has a girlfriend. And no because I stick by the reasons I had for breaking up with him
I love you too anonymous
Don't really have one
Probably game of thrones
Travel to every country in the world, everyday creating a new adventure
I don't know what justifies a crush but I don't really think I am any more
Everyone and anyone! I love meeting new people and learning new things about them
I have so many close friends that's it's always hard to narrow down my best friends because they are all special to me in different ways ahah but atm my top 4 are; Lisa, Darrien, Maggie & Ryan
Lots of people! I have so many amazing friends who I know are just a message away when I need them and they all support me so much! I also have my amazing family who support my decisions and guide me in my choices. I love them all ❤️❤️
Well I'm not gay soz But I do love you xxxxx
Are you talking about the biscuits, the toy or just saying hey?
Too many to choose from
???? have four
I do believe in life outside of earth, because I don't think out of all the galaxies that only our planet has life, but I feel like calling them Aliens is very judgemenal