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Lauren Carroll


Ask me anything you like anonymously

73 Replies

Lauren you're gorgeous, f uck everyone who says your fat and ugly because you're far from that beautiful gal <3

Lauren_Carroll replied 3795 days ago

Cat grey?


Lauren_Carroll replied 3957 days ago

how bout you all **** up :D


Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

ur rlly hawt
id make brownies w/ u ;)

Depends on what kind of brownies

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

youre not fat at all!! xx

Aw thankyou :)

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

people are such arseholes dont listen to them you are beautiful xx

Aw thankyou whoever you are :)

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

You're a ***** to everyone and as soon as someone says something that's a joke you get so offended which just makes u a bigger *****

I'm not a ***** to everyone , and I'm joking when I say the things I say , I don't mean to get that way , I'm a sensitive person and i react like that to everything I always have and it's something I need to work on

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

You don't have friends who like you, well definitely not at firbank

Ha , if people like me at school then cool , if they don't then idk , it's a place to get an education and I have friends outside of school that I know I have and can count on so I don't really care

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

i actually love you so much but it hurts me when you lie to me or about me

I don't know who you are but thanks for saying you love me

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

Well you certainly act like it

Well I don't mean to come off that way , It's just how I've been forever and if I'm mostly joking the whole time so don't take it seriously

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

You walk around pretending you're so cool but you're really just a ****ing loser because everyone hates you. No wonder why you don't get invited to things

I don't walk around like I'm so cool , I walk around with my headphones in my ears most of the time because I like music , and I don't care about parties or getting invited places , I really couldn't give a dam about them , I have friends who like me that's all that matters to me

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago



Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

You're actually the biggest *****. You need to get over yourself

I know I'm *****y sometimes , but I don't think I'm better than anyone else or I'm some super cool person , sorry if I've offended you

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

You are kinda fat tbh

Eh , I like the way I am

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago

How long have you and rob been dating ?

Ah just over a month , not long

Lauren_Carroll replied 3958 days ago