Kelebogile Matloga
Im one exotic.loud girl bt very loving
How do you know when a guy likes you
Hes bEhaViour chAngEs when hes around you ThAN wiT ATha gALz
Who you like in grade 8
Nun of ur buz
Are u in love or currently in a relationship
N0nE Of uR BuSinESs
i hear you dating MJ , why didnt you tell us?
Am nt
Kele, d yu if Kana is single?
Nthng #thnkng am i supSd to sumthng
Dd u hear abt Kana's sng thts gng arnd skwl lately
He gt a s0ng,,HAVent hEARd aWF It s0wi
Y dd u *** to khs mara
Because i wantd to
G0rgeus.gorgeus.gorgeus.gorgeus thats al i cn sae
Thank ei
G0rgeus.gorgeus.gorgeus.gorgeus thats al i cn sae
Thank yew
Is it true that you lyk Emjay
Sho lyk hm as a friend absolutley
Ur a veri nyc gal bt jst ch0osE Bta fwends
Thanks,,bt no1 chooses my friends 4 me
Lol the Q's on yur QOOH.ME THO, Hai Lee_Mo_Cheddah
LoL...tEl mE BwT It eI oW wElL Me i dNt cARe aH LAWl pEOPle waISTng dEir tYPnG EnergY
Who besides you larks eMjay?
Ai me is #past tense...i dnt knw ei
s0 ur fwend phindi is she reali d8n dat tumi guy lyk reali tel her 2 get over wateva she has cause shes in 4 a lng ryd..does she reali thnk lovs ha
AhE WEna hu r u tO c0mMeNt oN suCh kGapE U DnT EVn kNw tHEir relaTi0nsHip staTuS A0WA eH,,,thS Is gNg a bIt t0.fAr eH
I thINk y0u t0talI GORGeus u hv a m0dEL b0dy ei w0w... Tke cre awf urSLf neh
#blushEs tHAnX Ei thanX A L0t nD I WIl hEy
Kelly r u stll a virgin????
EY naMe GiRlS in UR GraDe WhicH YUu ThInK ARe BeaUtiful Or Hot!•jaP No HoMo•
In n0.ORdEr...pAleSa raeLiGh.kElE.TSiam0.pRinCeSs,viVi,lEseg0,CharmaINe ,cEBilE,war0na.PHindi.PUseletso nalEdi oMpimeTSi.b0ntlE.LUlama.p0nts0.war0na.reneilwe.tiaisha.tasmyn.t0vE.
LAg##dgGn hw hndle em h8rZ blehkq
Jst ign0re dm i mean i wil always b 2 sts ahead aH Shame oN Dm 4 hAVng n0.lyf
Ok. . . Coz allota grade 8 girls seem to like him
L0l tht i knW He hE He apPARentLy hS THe nEw tAYlor LauTneR
OMG kele, Kana has so much swagg
Eh ekwang l0l.if u thnk s0
Mmmm I See You realy have a thing 4 emjay,bt the question is do you think he has a thing 4 you
Ad do you have any clue who he is dating or likes?
Hu syd i gt an ish 4 hM Hs a fwend...nd i dnt knw n i dnt cre hu hs datng a0w
OHhh MY WoRd I Now KnOW WHy YUu SOoo PhuCKInG skiNny daHl Ke AidS 4 Eva WiD DiFferEnT BoYs siEs YoU NEeD 2 StaRt caRiiNG URsElF LyK A A GaL AD NoT A ***** AD StaRt ResPecTiNg Oda pEopLe!
Eh gAL dNt knW Go nD Tke oWt uR SecrEts hE.E Thts nT A Nyc thNG Aow gRw uP Plz gAWsh i bEt wENa u sUm faT BL0ATd shAPeleS THng a0WA U Nva knW
Then would u date him
Have u eva thought about dating him. Coz i think he's out of yur league
Na nva th0gt of hm dat way nd lark i gt sPecifc mense NaHt jst...
Why don't many people like u
Beats me,,,mYb bCsE Im s0.dIFrnt nd aM Nt wAT thY WuLD Lyk tAH C
I ovr heard frm sme grd 8 chick, dat she likes him allot hey
She cAPaBLe of iT Bt cuLd b a liE
Speaking of that Kana guy. . . I heard he's such a sweetheart
What do u think of him
#thnkng i dnt reali knw hm mch bt ja hs d0pe dwn to earth man
Is it true that she likes that Kana guy
Ai 4rm ma perspective nO
Your friend?
Princess ryt
Ya wat bwt ha
None u gtta knw
#r0lingeyes nT Tht i wLD CRe eiTHer
Well not me. . .But maybe ya momma
Wat bwt ma m0mMA
Kele.u ar an awes0me perS0n lav u to bitz nd dnt let s0me of em gt to u... "rmMBr wat we discusd"
Lav u to tiny bitZ Nd piecEs,,,jA No w0ris bwt dm dy jst dr 4 adDITioNAlity
Lav u kELly <3
Lav u 2 BubA BeaR<3
U knw u gna gt hIt ryt hARd
Nd wat kynd of p0int wil thy b pR0Vng?¿ grd9's hate u
Best part of ths i dnt cre i sincerly thnk thy shld gt a lyf lark gawsh #r0wlngeyes
Hw u fwl bwt mst grd9's nt lykng u nd always c0mentng oN U
Im nt a facebuk status tht nids to b likd nd b c0mentd on nt lyk dy mke a difrnce in ma lyf
Is it nyc to always b talKd bwt
J0.mA Nym mSt b dAym tASty iTs alWays iN A PerS0ns m0uTh
Hav u noticed how bit of a **** up u r
#thnkng,,,nD Hw d0es DaT AfEct u eH ITs mA Lyf
Is it true bwt u nd sum grd9 gals havng beEf
I dnt gt nun beEf wit dM wE Al jst hV To mCH PridE To oWn uP To our mistakes
Rumours r u like that Kananelo dude is it true??
Kana,,,n0.n0.mA FWend in2 Hm nT Me
Me shameu i ad0re u i t0tali thnk u d0wn ei if oNly ma fwends wld gt to knw u bta
L0l #blushes thanX Ei #nuFfsAId
Ur dream CAR
A puRple nD GRey Mini c0opeR
Is it true tht grd9's hate ur guTs nd hw do u fwl bwt dat
Ai weathr or nt thy d0.i jst cnt cre lOl,,,huevA Hates me thTs jSt thEIr ish
Lav u beauTiful tlem hu u datng
Thank you...aI Lol sIphO
Lav u beautiful ei i wuld reali lav to b ur fwend,hw bwt dat
Al is g0od nd wel,sure cme ryt al0ng...nd thanx
Y u thInk uR BTa thN Us grd9's eh we wil fuk up
C if am gna cre...
Kip sayin grade 9z are idiotic nd u wil get wats ***** 2 u...
Recaling thIngs i nVa sYd yAL R Idi0tIc,i sYd idi0tiC Behavi0ur
Wat do u thnk of us grd9's
Is ther anythng to thnk bwt yal
Wat beeF Do u hv wit grd9 Girls
Nthng i mean wnt entartain idi0tic behavi0ur pPL THNkng thy bta thn me
Lots of grd9 gals hate u (including me) hw do u feel bwt dat
I rEAlI CudNt cRE leSs i mEan thT Jst mEANs aM 2 stEPs aHEAd oF YAl
Exactly Lala y ophapha
Uhm bCse i wnt to nd hu r u tah judge me eh
I wna slap u cn u fite cse kea b0na hIgH Skwl mkes u f0rward a bit
Hu ever u r y dnt u cme face to face nd tel me exactly tht thn we wl c
Y o rata ditaba so u gng tah gt urslf into trble one dae
Basicaly bcse i wnt to nd evn if i cres
Hun y do u lyk thngs so mch ah,
Nt tht its illegal m0es eh
Hw d0.u fwl wEN Ur eX STands wIT Ur fwENd nd suDdnly thY DAtNg (m0kgaDi nd sIhlE)
Uhm,,, #tHNKng aI CudNT Cre lEsS CruSly i bARELy eVN Pay ATtenti0n
C0uple of guYs i knW LyK U DescrbE A TypiCal guY U Wld daTe
Uhm,mST haV A GUd seNSe of hum0uR.Mst b d0wn taH EArtH(LitERaly...l0L) Ow da LUkS MsT B Dr
Saw SIhle nD M0kgaDi sTanDNg 2GtHr hw D0.U fwL BwT ThAT
Am nT suRe iF I Shld feEl aNythNg iM PaSt mA FWlngS 4 Hm,JsT LYk he hAs i msT ALso m0ve oN
U d0.KNw Y u BEing LAbElLEd at sKWl,,d0.U Thnk u KnW y
I cuDnt cRe leSs aHa,,,jSt mEANs aM 2 StepS AheaD Of tHM
UV suDdENly cHANgd sINcE 1St teRm Ke eNG hiGh SkwL FevEr
Eh,,,uHM nO MYb bCse aM Grwng Up nD reaLisnG ThngS
Wat d0.U Thnk BWt thIs yEArS MAtRiCs
Uhm,,,thERe aR SUm oF Th0se hU R D0Wn taH EaRTh nD suM hU R JsT AsSh0leS Bt ovERAlL Thy r qUite c0ol
Name Top 10.h0T gUyS 4 U At SKWL
in N0 pArTicULaR ORder:m0atlEgI,KiNgY,B0tlaLe,luVuy0,bANDilE,pB.plO,KAMo,ePhRAim
The m0st BEauTifuL paRt aWf uR B0Dy
LuRv MA aSsetS Ow nD Ma T0ES fuK NAht maNI Ppz gT ThesE CuTy PinkIEs
Hu u cuRrentLY DAtng
Am hApPiLY sINGle
So ur favi0urite c0l0ur
Iv Gt So maNy BahT LavEndER PuRpLe nD SpArKlY pinK c0ntr0L Ma w0rLd
are u a virgin?
Y?wuDNt i b kana
Gosh da rumour u d8n bonga is it tru
Its nt tru
APpaREntLi w0RD g0eS ThAT U daTeD SiHlE in GrD 9 iS It trU
Id RaThR Nt AnsWr daT Lol,,,lYk i sYd mA lUrV lyF Is nt 4 pUBlic vIEw
WuLd u DaTE A GUY 4 hS M0neY
Y wlD I Do daT Mxm nT lyK He GnA GVe iT 2 mE Nd i g0T mA OWn m0olA,,,i aINT n0.G0ld diGgR
HU exaCtLY d0,U ThINk dEfiNes BeAUty in UR GraDe EXCept 4 u
EVewi1 ExcEpt a feW naMes i wuDnt MeNTi0n
How was the kiss?
S0wi bt i DnT KisS Nd tELl l0L
Is it true that you kissed Bonga(*exc)?
Ha ha ha ha #blushng yaP
Do yOu have a crush on Moatlegi?
I useD taH MaN Hu wuDnT He iS Vewi fYn a0wa
its a sundy,hw cn u sy dt?bwt weezy
Hate dA DUdE GeEZ
Do you think Naledi in 8e is pretty?
Am nt a lesb0.l0l bT jA MAn shes beauTifWL 4reaL,,,y U IntAH Ha?
Don't you mind telng me who you had "beef" with at primary??
Wel n0sipho nd wit Luyandad bt me nd ha r kwl nw
Who is da person you hve had beef with in primary?
Sum Nosipho ***** #oOPs bT SHe is
Dont u thnk tht Weezy is fuggen handsum?
O.m.g i h8 dat thng gawsh nd n0.l0l hes nt evn cl0se
Hw old d0.u wna b wen u get marRIeD
Life 4 me starts at 30.s0.i wna gt married thn unles the w0rld ends HaHahA
Wat u thnk of gIRls ur agE WIt makEUp wEevEZ EcT
H0nestLY thy Gr0wng tO FaST 4 Their b0ots nd tHEIr jSt faKe fAkE FakE FAke
Hu do u pReFr kiCIng iN Y0Ur claSs
H0nestly i tHNK m0ATLEGi a.K.a m.J HaS The bEst KiCing LIpS EVa
Have had sum1 you hated or sum1 u'd cal ur enemie in primary?
Yes infact i stil gt some beef wit ha
are u short?
Lol...c0mpareD TAh mR h0lmes yAp bT TAh x0lelwa damN Am tAlL
Which do you prefer 8E gaLz or kFc galz?
AINt iT Jst obVI0Us 8E GaLs r0Ck
DEScribe uR DReam mAN
Uhm #thnkng talLEr thn me,ligHt in c0mplexi0n.nt 2 tHin N0R FAt diLluSI0NAl v0ICe nd cUtE T0Es
Hws ur *ex lyf
Ha ha ha nA I Dnt hV 1 bT if i dD It wlD Hv bN reAly SPiCY Nd h0t
Wat turns u on
O.m.g dEfinaTLey sUm sm0ochng oN Da nECk nD Dm Str0ng maGNETic t0uCh
Hu intimidates u in clas
DAym Oadira Lesejane hes jst 2 2 clevr 4 ma lykng n0
what turns u off about guys?
O.m.g if u 2 sweEt nd if they g0t ugly t0es its a n0.n0.ow nD BRaCEs #eEw
When wS It eVer tHE beSt niGhT Of uR liFe
31dECember 2010,dAYm rEAlI Enj0yD daT Nyt hIgHlITe oF Ma lYf
If u wer to date a guy at skwl in wld it b
O.m.g Sideburns aka kingy or Botlale damN Thy r 2 fyn
Wen ws the last tym u kissed
Lol,,,hA Ha hA Uhm lAsT WEek frIdae
Name 5 guys u wudnt mind being stuk in da lift with
diGgy(celebrity crush)
Have u ever asked a b0y.out
Hell 2 thE N0.ThtS Jst seEms tO DesPEratE
Ever had a 1nyt stand?
Uhm,ja a l0t actualy nd i startd dEVel0png fwlnGS 4 em
Who are you dating currently
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Am dating some dude
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Loud fun loving