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Eating at Chuck E. Cheese...
Justin Bieber, 1D, Rihanna, Lil Wayne, and some more...
Anything that tastes good.
*Hits face on ground*
Awwww dayum iyut!
Yeah, sure. It's your free will.
A few people.
Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!
I've never been to a concert.
She's my favourite mother.
*Shoots anon*
a paragraph
the girl you like
Becoming a fan of Rush.
Sleep, sleep, food, reading, and sleep.
Many things.
Like: Many things.
Dislike: I'm unattractive and somewhat creepy.
Anyone who isn't boring or mean.
Justin Bieber.
Drake P, Morgan F, Aiden P, Maddy Moor, Matt J, Brooke D.
Je ne sais pas.
That's what I say when I find pie in the fridge.
Emma, Lauren, Tori, Lydia, and some more.
Business: Aaron, Alex H, Ben H, Joel.
Gym: Brody, Brandon, Joe.
Math: Drake, Maddy, Tori, Michael, Chandan.
Geo: Practically everyone.
Me and Angel. (j/k)
Too many to make a list that would fit here.
The Wyvilles, Seymour, Scott Walker, Matt Johnson, and (insert name of crush here).
It'll explode and cause a paradox which will wipe out all of reality.
Hammish zor ept nin quis wertinf sish sprok lidzish axperth nopple. Argy blargy am trying to rectrey progby drorg and gritty piss frigg this derf to the wotan club. Par to say retergit ion ruw rum and hugurgy is frits docw from e.
Gimme dat card.
You approve of Rainbow Dash.
Yes, Mooriarty. Enjoy your legendaryness.
I'm guessing this is Maddy or Seymour.
No, you don't.
I'm fine being single.