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46 Replies

Dean and Nikki clapped yo A$$


LeighaMercury replied 2736 days ago

You single?


LeighaMercury replied 2736 days ago

What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?

I got a giant cookie from the mall.

LeighaMercury replied 2749 days ago

I'm not hurt. It's just a bunch of pussies, talking so much sht about one girl. Jumping people is for the weak. Weak asses. That's alright, all four of y'all blocked her. If y'all can't @/unblock her, stfu and stop talking sht behind the block button, simple.

Okay she attacked me first a few weeks ago. But that's not the point. She told me to keep her blocked and I intend to keep my promise. I don't break them. But it's okay, I get the only enjoyment you get out of life is messing with me and that's cool. Have a good day. I assume you will send me another Qooh later.

LeighaMercury replied 2751 days ago

Why are you being a scary A$$ btch with your two inch dck A$$ friends? Y'all talking sht behind the block button, and can't even @ the girl. Y'all are bonified pussies. Y'all a disgrace to human race since y'all have to jump her. Die in y'all sleep tonight.

Congratulations you've hit the lowest of low. Telling someone to die in their sleep? Yikes. Who hurt you this bad that you're this rude and disrespectful to others? I hope you find kindness and love someday cause you're heart is full of nothingness. Now goodnight and have a great life.

LeighaMercury replied 2752 days ago

I've took the time out of my day to troll a lot of people. It has nothing to do with me being "obsessed" Lmao, and if I don't hop the fck off, what are you gonna do? Call the cops? Tell your parents? Wtf are they gonna do? Not a damn thing. ?


LeighaMercury replied 2753 days ago

No one in the world would be obsessed with you. I'm just trolling you. ?

You're taking time out of your day, to say MULTIPLE things to me. Trolling and being obsessed go together, darlin. So now that your friends are together again kindly hop the fck out of here. Thanks.

LeighaMercury replied 2753 days ago

"You got your man back bye" I'm not Nicole dumbass. She doesn't have a qooh. ?

Why you so obsessed with me? ????

LeighaMercury replied 2753 days ago

I heard you're cheating on Dean on your secondary account? Is that true?

No. But I am a lot happier now. ?

LeighaMercury replied 2753 days ago

Lmao, Dean left you! They kept telling your dumbass Dean dates girls to try to get over his ex. You're not his true love, you never were. They were trying to help you. Not ruin your "relationship" with him. Your ugly A$$ got played.

Yeah. Look and see if I care. ☺️?? You got your man back. Bye.

LeighaMercury replied 2753 days ago

dean literally dates someone and then dumps them a while after only because he ends up ‘missing’ his ex. honey, you’re wasting your time. u deserve better

The fact that Dean and I being together bothers you THIS bad is so sad. My boyfriend and I are happy. Sorry you're not.

LeighaMercury replied 2757 days ago

You only hide behind the pic of Carmella because of how you look in real life. Fat, and ugly. I bet the writer behind your man Dean is ugly in real life too.

You're so sad.

LeighaMercury replied 2758 days ago



LeighaMercury replied 2758 days ago

I saw your argument with Dean's ex, and uh, sad to say, she was right about you basically tasting her ***** when you kiss him and s*ck his dck. Good luck getting the taste out your mouth.

Ew. You're all disgusting.

LeighaMercury replied 2758 days ago

How do you feel being used to basically get over someone else?

That's enough.

LeighaMercury replied 2758 days ago