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Ask or Tell me anything! <3

607 Replies

If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?

Read <3 Until I ran out of interesting books in Sarnia... Then I would have to drive to a new city to read more books :3

LeighlaBird replied 3418 days ago 1

What do you spend your money on the most ?

My two true and yarn :P

LeighlaBird replied 3463 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

Finding fulltime employment in no-job Sarnia -.-

LeighlaBird replied 3465 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

It doesn't look like anything, it feels like home. My perfect day feels like home, acceptance and love. My perfect day feels like I am not alone, it feels like strength and confidence. Maybe it feels like uncomplicated love, strong arms wrapped around my shoulders, the softness of a person I love that loves me in the same way, or like a candlelight shower in a locked bathroom with the fan off and Celtic music playing all loudly. Basically my perfect day exists in small moments, sometimes multiple times a day but they never last a whole 24 hours.

LeighlaBird replied 3507 days ago 1

Who do you miss?

Honestly? I miss Keeto...

LeighlaBird replied 3542 days ago

Your biggest wish ?

For someone to cuddle, spend time with and talk to.

LeighlaBird replied 3567 days ago

best *exual experience?

Honestly? I'm not a huge fan of *ex. In fact I find it to be an incredibly awkward and uncomfortable experience for the most part.

LeighlaBird replied 3570 days ago

What do you dislike the most right now?

How certain people seem to get off on getting my hopes up for something then ripping that very thing away in the most painful way humanly possible (the person in mind did it first with a relationship, then with making that relationship work then with a friendship). Like do you have an addiction to breakups *****?

LeighlaBird replied 3576 days ago

How do you want to end 2014 ?

With someone super sweet and loveable. No midnight kiss required of course. But noooooooo I get to babysit again this year...

LeighlaBird replied 3576 days ago

when you aren't feeling good and really need to talk to someone, who do you call?

No one. I internalize or journal... But I am far from the healthiest person in that sense... Don't do as I do, actually call someone dear.

LeighlaBird replied 3587 days ago

Favourite poem?

I thinnk it would have to be one by Sapphos... "There's a moment when I look at you| And no speech is left in me,| My tongue breaks,| Thin fire runs under my skin| And I tremble and grow paler than the reed| For I am dying of such love, Or so it seems to me." I want to love someone like this again someday, and I'd really like to be loved like this in return.

LeighlaBird replied 3587 days ago 1

At what age do you want to get married ?

At this point I don't even want to get married anymore. People are just too much work, I'll be the best damn crazy rat lesbian this world has ever seen though :)

LeighlaBird replied 3605 days ago

What is your ringtone?

The sound of a rubber ducky being squeaked repeatedly.

LeighlaBird replied 3621 days ago

The most unreliable person you know ?

Me, myself and I!

LeighlaBird replied 3622 days ago

To the ladies: your type of guy?

My type of guy has t*** and a v*****... and is a woman....

LeighlaBird replied 3628 days ago 1