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Leanna Harrington



1.5k Replies

When was the last time you got angry and why?

at the cat cause it crazy and I wanted her to call down ?

Lele.harrington replied 3092 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

guitar, 1d, the 1975 tickets ✌?️

Lele.harrington replied 3096 days ago

Who was your first hookup??


Lele.harrington replied 3097 days ago 1

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

lol, met Ebony through Seamus I think hahaha

Lele.harrington replied 3100 days ago

What Isaac are these people talking bout , what's his last name ??

no, I don't want any more people stalking him cause it's annoying and he thinks your all weird lol. And it's no one from Bendigo

Lele.harrington replied 3100 days ago

Thoughts? Xxx

luv you ❤️❤️❤️

Lele.harrington replied 3100 days ago

last Three snaps.?.??.

Isaac, Trent, Carissa

Lele.harrington replied 3100 days ago 1

Who do people always say you look like?


Lele.harrington replied 3102 days ago

What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?

paper. idk y!

Lele.harrington replied 3104 days ago

favorite twins

famous or not famous ?

Lele.harrington replied 3104 days ago

soz I accidentally deleted yous aha

I know I was like wtf whyyy

Lele.harrington replied 3107 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

a few past memories ...

Lele.harrington replied 3108 days ago

Thoughts??? flynnpcook123

we were pretty close when you were at ccb, always had inside jokes like "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" ahah your so so nice, great person to talk to, can hold a good conversation, gonna miss you heaps next yearrrr, should talk again ☺️X

Lele.harrington replied 3109 days ago 1

Thoughts? xavkhoo

so so so nice! great sense of humor, good to talk to, always up for a chat, can hold a good conversation, good at sport, attractive and good skin ☺️☺️☺️ gonna miss you nxt year xox

Lele.harrington replied 3109 days ago 1

Can You Name All Their Full Names Please

AHHAHAHA WTF. Matt Hunwick, Trent Leech, Casey Wilson, Isaac Butler, Daniel Sinnott, Ben Forbes, Will Simner, Micheal Cudmore, Soraya Knight and Emma Joss.
What why ask for their last names??

Lele.harrington replied 3109 days ago