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Letesha Mason


Send Whatever You Please.

375 Replies

The question down below about the deserted island

Oh True

Leteshaxo replied 3462 days ago

Or to be a little more realistic your best mates xx


Leteshaxo replied 3462 days ago

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

Either One Direction, Justin Timberlake Or Leonardo DiCaprio.

Leteshaxo replied 3462 days ago

I know how to spell you f.u.c.k.t.w.a.t And I think you were meant to say stick not sick you wanker.Maybe you should concentrate more on your school work instead of being on here being a c.u.n.t

Thats So ****ing True Haha ^.^

Leteshaxo replied 3463 days ago

haha you have friends who sick up for you wow!
and who ever wrote that you should go back ****ing school and learn how to spell. haha you are all a joke even your friend Letesha. biggest joke out.
and oh don't you worry illl have a very nice day thanks

Yeah I Have Loyal Friends Who Stick Up For Me? Isn't That A Good Thing? Haha What Exactly Are You Trying To Prove? And Im Not A Joke So What Are You On About Mate?

Leteshaxo replied 3463 days ago

Hey anon down below giving Letesha a hard time Go FUXK yourself you low life piece of S.H.I.T. Just remember karma is a B.I.T.C.H and its going to turn around and FUXKING punch your lights out.And have a nice day!

Couldn't Say It Any Better Myself :3 Thankyou, Haha x

Leteshaxo replied 3464 days ago

You are ****ing ugly.

Awh You Too Lovely x

Leteshaxo replied 3464 days ago

You know who I am Snickers xxxx

Awh Love You x

Leteshaxo replied 3465 days ago

And me xxxx

Well Who Are You?

Leteshaxo replied 3465 days ago

bestfriends/goodfriends ?

Dylan, Maddi, Storm & Macy.

Leteshaxo replied 3465 days ago 1

no one will like you if you have that attitude going you mut. letesha your that UGLY even when you have so much ****ing makeup on it's disgusting. yeah go on look even more like a S.L.U.T.

Look I Know Im Not A Super Model But You're Not Perfect Either! So Shut The **** Up. And I Know Not Everyone Likes Me, But Not Everyone Loves You Either. At The Moment You're Being So Stuck Up. And How Does Makeup Make You Look Like A ****? If I Don't Wear Makeup People Like You Say ****, I Wear Makeup And You Still Say ****. Either Way Im Ugly, Huh? And I Don't Even Wear That Much Makeup Okay, You Have Some Issues, I Think You Need Help.

Leteshaxo replied 3465 days ago

Don't fûcking talk to Letesha like that thank you, how about just **** off and mind your own fûcking business. Anon, you're a fûcking brat for sending something like that in anonymously. Go **** yourself whoever you are.

Love you baby xx ebony.calleja99

Awh Thankyou Lovely x They're Just Low Lifes, Haha. Love You Too Gorgeous, Miss You Heaps): x

Leteshaxo replied 3466 days ago 1

your such a B!tch. No one likes you. You think your all depressed and ****. You little piece of **** you are a brat. That's what you are. I hate people like you acting all sad. and u got everything you want. ****.

Im Not A ***** I Just Have An Attuide Towards People Like You. And I Don't Think Im Depressed? And Im Not A Brat And I Don't Act Sad? Clearly You're Never Around Me. And I Don't Get Everything I Want. Ever Since I Got A Job I've Been Buying My Own Stuff. So You're All Wrong. Please Just **** Off, Haha

Leteshaxo replied 3466 days ago

Biggest sook out.

Im Not Even A Sook, Haha.

Leteshaxo replied 3466 days ago


Im Not But Okay.

Leteshaxo replied 3466 days ago