The question down below about the deserted island
Oh True
Or to be a little more realistic your best mates xx
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Either One Direction, Justin Timberlake Or Leonardo DiCaprio.
I know how to spell you f.u.c.k.t.w.a.t And I think you were meant to say stick not sick you wanker.Maybe you should concentrate more on your school work instead of being on here being a c.u.n.t
Thats So ****ing True Haha ^.^
haha you have friends who sick up for you wow!
and who ever wrote that you should go back ****ing school and learn how to spell. haha you are all a joke even your friend Letesha. biggest joke out.
and oh don't you worry illl have a very nice day thanks
Yeah I Have Loyal Friends Who Stick Up For Me? Isn't That A Good Thing? Haha What Exactly Are You Trying To Prove? And Im Not A Joke So What Are You On About Mate?
Hey anon down below giving Letesha a hard time Go FUXK yourself you low life piece of S.H.I.T. Just remember karma is a B.I.T.C.H and its going to turn around and FUXKING punch your lights out.And have a nice day!
Couldn't Say It Any Better Myself :3 Thankyou, Haha x
You are ****ing ugly.
Awh You Too Lovely x
You know who I am Snickers xxxx
Awh Love You x
And me xxxx
Well Who Are You?
bestfriends/goodfriends ?
Dylan, Maddi, Storm & Macy.
no one will like you if you have that attitude going you mut. letesha your that UGLY even when you have so much ****ing makeup on it's disgusting. yeah go on look even more like a S.L.U.T.
Look I Know Im Not A Super Model But You're Not Perfect Either! So Shut The **** Up. And I Know Not Everyone Likes Me, But Not Everyone Loves You Either. At The Moment You're Being So Stuck Up. And How Does Makeup Make You Look Like A ****? If I Don't Wear Makeup People Like You Say ****, I Wear Makeup And You Still Say ****. Either Way Im Ugly, Huh? And I Don't Even Wear That Much Makeup Okay, You Have Some Issues, I Think You Need Help.
Don't fûcking talk to Letesha like that thank you, how about just **** off and mind your own fûcking business. Anon, you're a fûcking brat for sending something like that in anonymously. Go **** yourself whoever you are.
Love you baby xx ebony.calleja99
Awh Thankyou Lovely x They're Just Low Lifes, Haha. Love You Too Gorgeous, Miss You Heaps): x
your such a B!tch. No one likes you. You think your all depressed and ****. You little piece of **** you are a brat. That's what you are. I hate people like you acting all sad. and u got everything you want. ****.
Im Not A ***** I Just Have An Attuide Towards People Like You. And I Don't Think Im Depressed? And Im Not A Brat And I Don't Act Sad? Clearly You're Never Around Me. And I Don't Get Everything I Want. Ever Since I Got A Job I've Been Buying My Own Stuff. So You're All Wrong. Please Just **** Off, Haha
Biggest sook out.
Im Not Even A Sook, Haha.
What was your last dream about ?
Don't Remember, Haha
Plans for the new year ?
Nothing .-.
The best song in 2014 for you ?
All The Songs That One Direction Released.
And Heaps More.
What did you get for christmas ?
Four One Direction Movies, One Direction Bed Spread, One Direction 'Where We Are Book', 5 Seconds Of Summer CD, AC/DC Perfume, The Fault In Our Stars Book, $20 Gift Card For Big W, Nirvana Singlet & My Parents Let Me Get My Tragus Pierced :3
Who would you take a bullet for?
Basically Anyone.
What is attractive about you?
Nothing Haha
Letesha...... Im Batman SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Oh Okay): I'll Be Superman.
Cameron shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Well In That Case You're Batman, Sorry):
But Im Batman?..
Nock nock.....
Who's There?
Your all iv ever want and my arms are open wide
And I Love You.
Is it me your looking for
I Can See It In Your Eyes, I Can See It In Your Smile.
What do you miss about your childhood?
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
Nothing :3 x
What is your biggest fear?
Are you and Dylan fighting?
Not That It's Any Of Your Business, But No We Aren't?..
Your face isn't a coloring book chill out with makeup
I Don't Even Wear That Much Makeup, But Okay.
How much chuck wood that a woodchuck chuck
Its 'How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood'
Not you Letesha Anon down below
Um Okay Then..
WTF what ya going off ya head at Dejan for?
I Wasn't?..
Tbh on sim dylan and cameron
Sim - Cool Guy, Not As Close But He's Still A Good Friend Of Mine.
Dylan - He's One Of My Bestfriends, So Yeah That Sums It Up.
Cameron - He's A Cutie c: He's A Good Mate Of Mine.
****in back off of dejan s l u t
Well Then ..
Grow up Anon.You must really lead a sad and pathetic life if you have to get on here and bag her out .You fuxktard.Perhaps its not your fault your a hater.Maybe you werent hugged enough as a child.Do you need a hug?
Hahaha nice try cross eye f** we can tell its you with your ****ty saying and saying of not looking at her she is pretty hard to miss with that much make up she is like casper whiter than shamous ( wwe )
My Makeup Isn't Even White, Its Heaps Darker Than My Natural Skin Colour, So What You On About? And Don't Accuse It Of Being Someone When You Don't Actually Know For Sure Who It Is. Okay.
Listen here you little fuktard if you dont like the amount of makeup Letesha wears simply dont look at her.
And Letesha you shouldnt be so hard on yourself you are beautiful with or without makeup.
Um Thankyou?..
You really should stay away from casey if he is telling people and showing people your nudes I am sayin this because I think you are okay and pretty hot I am looking out for you I bet you can't guess who this is
I Haven't Spoken To Casey Since Started. I Didn't Actually Send Him Nudes So Whatever 'Nudes' He Is Showing You, Clearly Isn't Me. And Thankyou For Looking Out For Me?..
Hahaha sorry not sorry if aren't sorry why say sorry in the first place
Its A Saying But Anyway ..
Exactly even you know you look ****ed up with out it hahaha you giving freddy krueger night
Sorry Not Sorry.
And also the person saying all of this ****...Say it to her face and we'll see what happens. (": DejanJovanovic
Hahaha sure you don't its just that someone touches your they have powder on there finger for the rest of. The day
I Barely Wear Any Powder Foundation, I Wear More Liquid. You're All Wrong. I Know My Makeup Is Always Horrible But Be Grateful That You Don't See Me Without It.
Tbh on
Dylan - One Of My Bestfriends. Pretty Sure That Sums It Up.
Mitchell - Nice Kid, Good To Hang With.
Dejan - He's A Cutie, We Were Close But Not So Much Anymore.
I barely talk or hang out with her, what the hell gave you the idea i was going out with her?
Atleast they are better than your real face ( when not caked )
I Don't Even Cake My Face To Begin With, But Okay.
Latesha are you going out with dejan
No, What Gave You That Idea?..
Soggy cake is yuck
But Everyone Loves Cake, Are You Jealous?
Yes it is because when it rains you turn into a ****ed up teddy
Your Insults Are Terrible):
Oh do I tell the bakery that when I see you in the store
You're Calling Me A Cake, Do Really Think Thats Offensive?
And you need to harden the f u c k up cake
Cake? Haha You Make No Sense.
Watch out the grammar police is onto me
No, You Just Need To Learn Proper English.
Fk off f***** harden the f u c k up
What Mate?
Who ever said spongbob fuk wits kill them 0…0
Spongebob Is Amazing.
Sponge bob is for f u c k w i t s
Your Opinion Is Irreverent. Please, Leave.
Name 5 shows you love to watch
Family Guy, Simpsons, Spongebob, The Big Bang Theory & Law & Order. Haha.
Omg samme I love pakicrick star
What's your favourite TV show
Who's your best friend in the world
I Have Like Four. But Maddi Is Number 1 xx
Yea well blocks.a sick cnt yeah :);) :p
Your friend brock is pretty cute ;) ;)
Yeah He Is c:
Top 3 hottest year 9s at gleneagles?
Well Clearly The Guy I Like. And Thats All.
Your dream Job?
Singer :3
What song do you want played at your funeral?
Haven't Thought About It ..
Your Dream Job?
Singer :3
Where do you get off calling Letesha a skAnky ****.Hiding behind a screen you low life!.Dont listen to them Letesha they are not worth it.
S k a n k y S l u t DYLAN COME TO THE RESCUE
You have amazing legs
I Do? Haha, Um Thankyou.
You claim casey showed you these nudes did you actually see leteshas face?
Your nudes are okay
I Never Sent Nudes!
"He said" I say you're full of **** must be true? vv
Well he said it was you so one of you are lying
Clearly Casey Is. Because I Never Sent Him Or Anyone Else Nudes.
lol Casey was showing people your nudes
I Never ****ing Sent Casey Nudes! So How Could He Show You!?..
Who would you hate to lose.
My Best Mates.
Perhaps you need to go to specsavers anon blahaha.And maybe take extra english classes its does not dose.
True ..
Lol he dose he showed me
How Could He Show You My 'Nudes' If I Never Sent Them?
Wtf how does casey have your nudes
He Doesn't. I've Never Sent Nudes..
Did you send nudes to casey??
Who Made Up That Bull****?
Where do you want to live when you older?
Haven't Decided.
Last song you listened to
Boss as* *****(': Haha
Favourite icecream flavour
Cookies & Cream
Ideal boyfriend?
Someone Like Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan (One Direction), Justin Timberlake Or Leonardo DiCaprio :3
Yes spongebob :)
Well Maybe x
He lives in a pineapple under the sea.....
You know
Clearly Not If I Asked.
Just ask him out already
Ask Who Out?
Lol again stolen from the wise one sim he gives me this advise when I am feeling down
Oh Okay.
The person said you broke him I am pretty sure that's how life goes they have to accept that they can't have everything it's just the way of life
Wise Words.
???? ↓ I am pretty sure he s fine
If you think you'll know who