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Leticia Marshall


Ask me anything you like, I dont mind

58 Replies

Is your year going great ?

Some of it is, the rest isn't. :(

Leticia.M replied 3275 days ago

What type of people bore you ?


Leticia.M replied 3288 days ago

What do you want right now ?

A loving, beautiful, loyal girlfriend. Or to either spend time with people I love over the holidays.

Leticia.M replied 3295 days ago

Thoughts about Game of thrones season 5 finale ?

Havnt seen it. :/

Leticia.M replied 3302 days ago

What activity always makes you lose track of time?

Tbh talking to ppl.

Leticia.M replied 3306 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Idk tbh.

Leticia.M replied 3310 days ago

How is your relationship going? :)

Leave me alone!

Leticia.M replied 3310 days ago

What happened with you and Amber?
Youes were perfect together..
Do you still like her?
What do you think of her now?

Who is this? Inbox me..

Leticia.M replied 3313 days ago

If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?

Confused.. haha nah idk.

Leticia.M replied 3313 days ago

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

3 days. But I was camping.

Leticia.M replied 3318 days ago

A friend you once had a crush on ?


Leticia.M replied 3363 days ago

There is just something about you that makes me fall inlove with you more and more each day and I can't help but think it's all of you hehe love you more than anything my perfect bumhead. ❤️ amber.brittany308

Aww!! ☺️ Thank you gorgeous. I love you too.

Leticia.M replied 3372 days ago

Last person you argued with and why ?

My dog, because he stole my bed.

Leticia.M replied 3372 days ago

A body part you think you could do without ?

My whole body.

Leticia.M replied 3396 days ago

Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?


Leticia.M replied 3402 days ago