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Go ahead❤(IG:@alexandradossantos_)

230 Replies

Were was Tatiana 😪 I want to see her at the competition 😪😪😪
I want yo dance with you and her

Tatijana has had a really bad industry but she'll be back soon❤❤
Aww thank you sm special 💛

Lexyyy replied 1990 days ago

I am so so in love with your dancing🤩 you inspire me to be as good as you one day🥺

Aww I'm glad I could inspire 💛💛
Thank you sm for this xx

Lexyyy replied 2005 days ago

You’re beautifullllllll 😻😻😻 NicholasCrisp

Thank you sm💛💛💛💛

Lexyyy replied 2016 days ago

U beautiful dont forget that from(Brandon)😍

Thank you so much ❤
This made my day

Lexyyy replied 2042 days ago

What’s your yt????

Life with Lexyyy

Lexyyy replied 2048 days ago

Which comps will you be doing in 2019/2020?

Most of these are uncertain cause I usually don't plan which comps I do but let's go lol

Remainder of 2019:
•World Dance Challenge South African qualifier
•Eisteddfod of the performing arts
•SA dance school championships
(These are set and official, if you see me at any other comp then SURPRISE)

•Dance World Cup South African qualifier
•Battle of the giants
•World Dance challenge finals
•National performing arts challenge
•Stars of tomorrow
•Eisteddfod of the performing arts
•SA dance school championships
•defs any AIDT competition
•the biggest one of next year will be announced next year (I can't spill the tea just yet)

Lexyyy replied 2048 days ago

Why aren't u cuffed?

Haven't found the one that razzle dazzles me😂
Tbh i just can't open up anymore lol, trust issues is a real thing yeah.
So i would say I'm single by choice :)

Lexyyy replied 2049 days ago


Someone hungry much?

Lexyyy replied 2077 days ago

Let me know when auditions are please and and do you know if tati will come to Audition I am too scared to ask her I want to dance with her and you

I can't give out information as to who will be at the auditions.
But DM me and let me know who you are so I can send through more detail personally ❤❤

Lexyyy replied 2080 days ago

Would you pose in front of the camera in just your underwear?

I don't do such
I'm not gonna insult females that decide to do so but because of the certain rules and morals instilled in me by my parents, it would honestly not be something I'm up for

Lexyyy replied 2082 days ago

Will there be Auditions for formations or only the two studios doing it?

Auditions will be taking place ❤

Details to be announced publically soon soon xx

Lexyyy replied 2083 days ago

Do you know of any groups and formations happening next year besides Unty SA?

Unity SA's getting back together next year?
But to answer your question, indeed I do
Leap for Joy and the Michelle Leibrandt School of Dance will be collaborating and forming a formation team next year xx

Lexyyy replied 2083 days ago

I think that you’re wrong about the ‘fat people can’t dance”. Take lizzy Howell for example, you can’t tell me that she isn’t fat (no hate) but she can literally pop any move you ask and turn better that so many other dancers

We're all entitled to our own opinion ❤

Lexyyy replied 2101 days ago

lol that's unfair! had you had much to drink on the trip?

??you replied so quickly this is kinda creepy lmao
Just coffee and water so it wasn't too much

Lexyyy replied 2107 days ago

Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend really had to pee on a car trip and parents wouldn't stop?

Yep last year December
We were on our way to the EC and I was the only one that needed to use the bathroom and my parents deliberately passed 2 stops just to spite me :')

Lexyyy replied 2107 days ago