Libhongolethu Geza
Ta Ranger...Nuf sed!
Sho Mqi
I like it too
How's life?
Good but it has its downs
LOoooove you lots my brO :) StOop looking soo depressed :( ♡ Guess who?? :D Jess.Swart
My beautiful sister!!!!!!!*:):):):):)
If ur life were to be a movie what type of movie would it be??????
hehe just because i can !
------ Namzee :)
:):):):):)*******:D:D:D (3
People say you have a big head(arrogant). And that's what they hate most about you(not that they hate you). And they think you try too hard period... Just thought you should know\m/
Sho thanks
Whose your best friend (girl and boy)
I can\'t choose one
Do u know Kuhle Mqingwana
Okay, I'm clearly a Hudsonian. If you had to choose, which black chick from your school in your grade would you love to tap?
I\'m too think of those things
Do u have siblings??
Yes my sister*
I'm gonna f*** you up
Take me now
Who are you dating and why?
No one coz I don\'t know who to ask