Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Your silly for thinking I'm perfect when its obvious that your the perfect one;) oh and hey(: xo
No:( you are
Shes beautiful !(:
Heeeiiith! He's one of my boys ! Him and geordie are amazing guys, i love his mum!. he's awesome to chill and get otp with, he's got some good tattoos (: got some good memories with him and the crew(;
We were until she started being Bit**y to me because i hangout with someone else. She needs to grow up and stop lieing to me, not keen on being her friend again since the last two times we've fought she's just insulted me.
No, were just not friends
Don't have one(;
Heeeey beautifuls!(:
I texted him when i got the question, then asked again and he said he has twwoo(: hiii broooke(:
Looove you too, thanks beautiful xxxxxxx
I asked him who his twin is and he said Brittney?(: maybe yous are secret triplets ((:
Lol, read it again mate.
But Lucas's twins Brittney?:o
Brittney?(: i will! He definitely is amazing n.n he makes me happy too(:
"#No hate" after you insult me ? Bit** gtfo ha yeah i was 12 ? Gotta problem get off anon, stop being so darn Bit**y thanks(:
Actually a month on Friday ? Not five minutes ? Hahah, but sorry you have to hear this anon, but i answer all my questions truthfully , so very sorry that its an incoveinence to you, maybe untag me or don't look on my qooh if my answer honestly mean so much to ya(; and me and lucas had a fling for a while before we started dating . bit of a contradicton eh anon?(:
He's a nice guy when he's not telling me everyone hates me? Ha. he's lovely.
Actually no, I've never said that about any of my past relationships, (:
Go away , no ones like my wee gimp. he's one in a gizzilion
Nothing in my life is all about se*, usually that's the last thing on my mind?(:
Well ill talk to him about this? Because i really don't no what he's unsure of? He does leave me alone, when i need space, other than that i love constantly talking to him c:
Ummmmm. The only person i want to marry is lucas? Id pick him out of everybody. tbh(:
Someone who can make me smile , who can pull silly faces at me, he has to be cute , and have nice eyes, its definitely a must that he loves cuddles, taller than me, a bit gimpy(; so yup This describes Lucas c:
About a year and a half, on and off
Weeelll, my dream dates just anything with lucas(; we have pretty cute date days, like our wee ice creams then walking along the beach, then our cod and movies dates(: but my dream date would probably have to be watching the sunset together , I've always dreamed about that since i was young(; or going to a scary movie and holding eachothers hands the whole time ? I'm not really good at "romance" ahah n.n
Well there's this one special wigga(;
And how's that ? Because my opinion is were perfect ? I realize how we could not be suited but obviously you haven't seen us together ? Because we get along extremely well(:
So i dont lose him, he seriously makes me extremely happy, and i dont want to lose him, were more than just a couple , were like bestfriends aswell, we tell eachother everything (:
Love you too beautiful <3
Sorry that i don't live up to your expectations anon, but the only person I'm tryna please in Life is lucas?(:
Is someone who sleeps around , I'm in an Amazing Relationship With Lucas, no one could make me happier, He's perfect . So no, i do NOT sleep around (: before you try to insult me at least no the definition of what ya tryna say, good effort love(:
That's nice anon, message me? You probably dobt even know me(:
Go away Ashleigh I'm done with your immature shiet, thanks(:
Hey your anon(;
Uh. That's you beautiful !<3
Fight me perfect xx
That's you xx
Yo silly (: xx
Lucas why you on anon. n.n ill come stay or something on frriiidday, if I'm ungrounded for our month xx
Hmm not too sure :/ x
Ofcours baby, cod day when I'm ungrounded or another ice cream date(: x
Oh i know(;
That's you egg. x
No, I'm lucky to have him , he's the definition of perfect
Hey pretty x
Being lazy and grounded, jc eh! You?(:
Thanks(: <3
Kinda, bit scared going to a new school and all(:
Met lucas (':
Your jdidhwjxbdidid cuute<3
Yooooour beautifulest!(: xx
Its a fake account yo?
That's my place of job c:
I thought i finally had friends , nope just me being cool.
Hi f*****. love you too.
Happy , Happy, Happy c:
I dunno, I've heard quite a lot of shi* that I've apparently done -.-