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Charlene Kuhn


Just ask it! ;)

41 Replies

What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ?

The amount is not important! ;)
But I'll tell you the story behind it. (:
It was on bottles & dummies for my little beautiful, precious niece, Zoë that is soon going to enter the world.
I'm excited to be an aunt okay. =)

Liientjie replied 3305 days ago

What do you love the most?

The Arts. ♥

Liientjie replied 3765 days ago

Is daar dalk iemand waarop jy 'n ogie het?

Ek? Ekt my oë op almal, hoe anders moet ek hulle sien? =P

Liientjie replied 3782 days ago 1

To the ladies: your type of guy?

What makes a guy unbelievably attractive to me: When he doesn't seize to make me laugh. One who shares in laughter and sadness. Who finds worth in little things. =] A guy who simply is, who he is, standing firm in what he believes. Now that is one hooootttiiiiie!!! =D

Liientjie replied 3785 days ago

Why do those who artists make you think of Domonic?

See, Domonic one of my close friends once straightend his hair, and we joked that his hair looked like Justin Bieber's hair. And Enrique because they both have this dark hair, dark skin and eyes thing going on. That's all (:

Liientjie replied 3894 days ago

Dumbest thing you've ever heard?

I don't usually get involved into politics, but the other day Julius Malema said on tv: "We must stop acting like coconuts and FIGHT like warriors!!!". #noracism #justjokes #lowIQ

Liientjie replied 3894 days ago

Why do you think people love music so much?

Sometimes music just gets into your inner core, like music describes the feelings you have perfectly. Because its written out of experience, and sometimes we just need to dance! :D

Liientjie replied 3895 days ago 1

Why do you think Le Clue never talk about his mom and dad? Which celebrity do you think your almost like?

I don't know and that's none of my, or anyone's business for that matter! ;) I don't talk about mys parents either. I really don't know,, why don't you tell me who do you think?

Liientjie replied 3895 days ago

If you only had your class on a deserted island and you could only save 10 people who would you save and why?

Anyone but myself! :P because then I'd die doing the best I can to help anyone possible.

Liientjie replied 3895 days ago

If I say Taylor swift who do you think of?

Lize de Klerk- She's a nr.1 fan.

Liientjie replied 3895 days ago 1

If I say Enrique iglesias who do you think of?


Liientjie replied 3895 days ago

If I say Justin bieber who do you think of?

Mienke and Nicole. #believetour they loved. And Domonic with his "wannabe" JB hair once! :P haha

Liientjie replied 3895 days ago

Do you think it is wrong to have *ex before marriage and who in matric do you think did this before?

I personally wouldn't have *ex before marriage, but I am in no position to judge someone who does. And I cannot just take a "guess" because that would be inappropriate and hurtful.

Liientjie replied 3895 days ago

If you could make 6 couples in your class using only a boy and a girls name once. Which girl and boy would you pair up?

Ok, no offence guys! :P I have limited choices but let's begin: Dylan & Andrea. Tiaan & Dinah-Lee. JJ & Robyn. Janus & Desiré. Jodré & Minette. And in mathsclass: Fouché & Monique. This by no means they have something going, I just sometimes think they would match, or they are close or something :P

Liientjie replied 3895 days ago

Okay few other questions. Name 3 singers who you love and 3 you hate only female!

Love: Pink, (this quite tough, haha), Katy Perry, Sara BareillesAnd I wouldn't say hate, but it ain't my favourite: Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Lianie May -_- haha

Liientjie replied 3895 days ago