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The amount is not important! ;)
But I'll tell you the story behind it. (:
It was on bottles & dummies for my little beautiful, precious niece, Zoë that is soon going to enter the world.
I'm excited to be an aunt okay. =)
The Arts. ♥
What makes a guy unbelievably attractive to me: When he doesn't seize to make me laugh. One who shares in laughter and sadness. Who finds worth in little things. =] A guy who simply is, who he is, standing firm in what he believes. Now that is one hooootttiiiiie!!! =D
See, Domonic one of my close friends once straightend his hair, and we joked that his hair looked like Justin Bieber's hair. And Enrique because they both have this dark hair, dark skin and eyes thing going on. That's all (:
I don't usually get involved into politics, but the other day Julius Malema said on tv: "We must stop acting like coconuts and FIGHT like warriors!!!". #noracism #justjokes #lowIQ
I don't know and that's none of my, or anyone's business for that matter! ;) I don't talk about mys parents either. I really don't know,, why don't you tell me who do you think?
Anyone but myself! :P because then I'd die doing the best I can to help anyone possible.
Mienke and Nicole. #believetour they loved. And Domonic with his "wannabe" JB hair once! :P haha
I personally wouldn't have *ex before marriage, but I am in no position to judge someone who does. And I cannot just take a "guess" because that would be inappropriate and hurtful.
Ok, no offence guys! :P I have limited choices but let's begin: Dylan & Andrea. Tiaan & Dinah-Lee. JJ & Robyn. Janus & Desiré. Jodré & Minette. And in mathsclass: Fouché & Monique. This by no means they have something going, I just sometimes think they would match, or they are close or something :P
Love: Pink, (this quite tough, haha), Katy Perry, Sara BareillesAnd I wouldn't say hate, but it ain't my favourite: Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Lianie May -_- haha
In my class grade 12 C :D the person I respect most must be my close friend Mienke van Rooyen, I look up to her in more than one way. I really don't get irritated very quickly, so there can't be a "irritation" in my class. If someone fails, that ought to be me, but I doubt that, we are a pretty legit class! :) and I don't know what everybody is going to do career wise, so I'm not able to say who would make the most money! :P
Reading Minds B) mayyybe I already have it, who knows! ;)
Overanalyzing aswell as talking too much! ;)
Jys oulik hoor! :)
Daar sal seker maar altyd "rumours" wees! ;) truth be told: Ek weet dat ek nie in ander se slaai gekrap het nie. Want sover my kennis strek het niemand se ou hulle gelos vir my nie. So in wie se slaai krap ek dan nou presies hé? (:
I would classify myself as loyal, and that's why I wouldn't leave my boyfriend for a celebrity (if I had a boyfriend.) Because a celebrity is a fantasy and probably wouldn't love me as much as boyfriend would. My boyfriend would be the "real deal"! ;)
Heyyyy! ;) ek weet wie jy is! :P Baiiie dankiiie!=) Love yooou too jou oulike "kint"! <3
I know I'm gonna live forever! ;) but actually on earth? Until I served my purpose. (=
:D eks bly dit het jou hart aan geraak! ;) Lief vir jou soo baiie Chane'kie!!! Xxx
That would be,, meeee! ;)
Awwh,, And whoever you maybe, I'm sure you are special to! ;) Seeing as I am surrounded by so many special people! (=
(= Oulike kent!* xx
"Take it slow" :)
My Beste Este vriiiiiiiiend!! Dankiie hoor! Ek probeer so bietjie rondhardloop in reën! :) hopenlik weet jy waarvan ek praat! ;) Ek is BAIE liiiief vir jooooou! Xxx
Ehm, mayyybe a little one! =) I met a really nice guy, and I enjoy his company (:
Heyy! (= nee, daardie meisie is net emo te danke aan donker klere, goeie make-up en 'n Vodoo doll! :) sy is BAIE oulik in die regte lewe!
Chane'kie!!! Jy verstaan nie hoe baiiiie dit vir my beteken nie! Eks vreeslik bly jy geniet h0m! :) awwwwh :) Eks lief vir julle 0ok!! :) xxxx ps: jammer ek antwo0rd n0u eers, ek vergeet te veel, en 0nth0u te min! :)
=D heeyyy dankiiiiiie!!! Lief vir j0u!x
Ek is do0deerlik as ek sê: niemand spesifiek nie, het 'n "crush" gehad, maar dit was sommer simpel! :)
Dit beteken vir my baie! (= rerig! Dankiie :) definitief, ekt way beter dinge 0m te doen, terwyl ek gaan probeer 0m ander mense te "please" :) haha hoe sê hulle: Take it, or leave it! :P
Ahhh! (= Baiie danKiiie! :)
Awgh! L0ve y0u t0o! Xx
0h yes my dear! (= was n0u maar nie almal nie? (:
Wil jy 'n eerlike antwo0rd hê?? :) Nee, n0g n0oit nie!! (= (ek bedoel seks n0u) :)
Net 'n pragtige mensie sal dit vir my sê! =D Baiiie dankiiie h0oor!! Xx I love y0u guys 2! (=
As jy my wil kry?! (: eder, water vr0u kan ek wees 0m die man te kry wat ek wil hê! (: Maarrr,, o0r die algemeen, wil ek graag net 'n vriendelike ou hê wat réríg lief is vir my. Want as hy lief is vir k0m al die ander m0oi dinge vansself! (= Iemand wat nie net respek is het vir my nie, maar vir ander o0k.