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If you talk sh*t, @ yourself

57 Replies

So when's your man gonna find out about your other boyfriend?

Considering I only have him, I guess we’ll call it a day.

LilMissMorgan replied 2588 days ago

As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?


LilMissMorgan replied 2593 days ago

that’s pretty cool. I don’t know much about football but why is it that you chose to like the panthers and steelers? (I do however know
About the Browns, I think everyone does??‍♂️)

Nc Born and raised, and I just like the Steelers.

LilMissMorgan replied 2610 days ago

I has two questions:) #1) fav sport? #2) other than ur fav team,in that sports,what other team do you “like” (not that u actually like them, just if you had to choose another)

Football. In NFL my favorite team is the panthers, my other team is the Steelers, but I always pull for the browns because I’m hopeful they might win ?‍♀️. In college my favorite is Florida State because my favorite NFL player played for FSU, but I love the Tar Heels and Alabama too.

LilMissMorgan replied 2611 days ago

What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?

Get high in my bedroom, and then lie about it.

LilMissMorgan replied 2613 days ago

You’re literally one of the only reasons I’m still logged into ig, you’re literally the best daughter ever. Love you! ❤️

Awhhh ilysm mom!! ♥️♥️♥️

LilMissMorgan replied 2615 days ago 1

I missed talking to you and hopefully we can mend our on and off sometimes mess of a relationship because I truly love you and you're one of my favorite people.

Don’t be anon.

LilMissMorgan replied 2629 days ago

What happened to you and Drew?

We just didn’t want each other.

LilMissMorgan replied 2629 days ago

You fcked me over.

You probably deserved it. I’m a great person, so.

LilMissMorgan replied 2633 days ago

Have a good life. You don't need me anymore. Thats been apparent since May.


LilMissMorgan replied 2640 days ago

Can I eat the b**tycheeks tho?


LilMissMorgan replied 2641 days ago

I miss you, like a lot and I'm pretty sure you don't want anything to do with me. Have a good life.

Who are you?

LilMissMorgan replied 2641 days ago

something that made you cry for months (both good and bad)

When my best friend disappeared for a while.

LilMissMorgan replied 2648 days ago

What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?

Are STDs contagious?

LilMissMorgan replied 2651 days ago

Has there ever been someone you dislike, but not because they’ve done something to you, but because maybe they replaced you or they did something w/o intention of hurting you? But then you realize they seem pretty chill? Bc if so, relatable.

I hated someone because of what they did to my friends, but I got to know them, and they grew up. So I’m now friends with said person, but I won’t name names because I feel like this is going to be used against me.

LilMissMorgan replied 2653 days ago