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You have been my best friends for ages! I Love you so much and I can trust you with actually anything! You are always there for me and we have had so many great memories and hopefully wayyyyy more to come xoxo love you & need to catch up
idk would i?
thanks babe xx
done thisssss
i don't
favourite xox
heard wrong
favourite cousin xox ;)
already done this
his nose - kiana
hes alright ;)
sam lowes
nicole ferreira
harry wright
thomas hopley
olivia sens
kiana taylor
connor symons
streaks -
aalia polidano- 49
alessia mccaig- 32
ally goggin- 14
andrea steel-12
annalese p- 19
baxter gurd-24
bella rogers- 8
ben mitchell-38
baxter symons-32
brodie james-58
caitlin schober-51
charli skinner-71
chloe hill-58
claudia millington-26
coben rollieson-8
codie shackles-42
cody rasmussen-46
colby m-19
connor symons-80
darcy adamson-11
emily strahan-86
emma gilligan-7
ethan douglas-54
sam lowes-82
georgia waller-81
hannah etheredge-85
harry wright-5
holly jeffrrey-55
indi charles-89
jazz dole-59
jemma makeham-85
jimi fawcit-9
josh hyatt-74
kiana taylor-48
kyle simpkins-19
lachy darroch-8
lana blabey-9
lily waters-5
liv rasmussen- 18
olivia sens-127
lochie hussey-18
lucy harrison-30
maddie makeham- 6
meg ross- 6
mietta caruso- 81
mitch cole- 16
morgan whatley-74
paige opie- 59
piper trezise-69
rex newbold-44
shakira dean-32
sophie pica-74
sophie waller-91
nicole ferreira-131
tabitha macdonald-19
tahlia sims- 109
tayah mcgregor-70
taylah collins-15
tehjal franzi-79
thomas hopley- 54
tilly cockfield- 59
will purcell-7
zoe- 17
Favourite xx
i don't know what I would do without you. You are always there for me and so pretty and so nice xx best friend and love you xx
Olivia Sens ?
Morgan W- 37
Nicole f- 91
Olivia s - 87
Sam l- 43
Connor s- 40
Holly j- 16
Thomas h- 17
Kiana t- 10
Tehjal f- 40
Codie Ella- 10
Sophie w- 51
Aalia p- 12
Alessia m- 20
Brodie j-23
Caitlin s-14
Charli s- 33
Chloe h- 22
Claudia m-24
Cody r- 10
Dylan m-13
Emily s- 46
Ethan d- 19
Gabby w- 46
Georgia w-44
Hannah e- 49
Indi c-53
Jazz d- 21
Jemma m-47
Josh h-37
Mietta c- 44
Paige o- 23
Piper t- 35
Rex n- 6
Shakira d- 5
Sophie p- 38
Tahlia s- 70
Tayah m- 35
Tilly c- 22
Zahli- 3
One of my best friends. Really pretty, nice, could trust you with anything! Had so many good memories together and still heaps to come xo
Ahah who's this??
Judging others
Hahaha I'm smart em ;) xx
Emily and Olivia
Bestfriends -
Gabby Watson, Sam, Nicole Ferreira, Olivia Sens, Emily Strahan, Tahlia sims, Charli Skinner.
Recents- Georgia Waller, Blake Agnoletto, Jemma Makeham, Sophie Waller, taylah Collins.
Gabby: 10, Sam: 5, Nicole: 50, Olivia: 45, Emily: 8, Tahlia: 31, Charli: 4, Georgia: 7, Jemma: 9, sophie: 14, taylah: 6, Tahlia: 5, Hannah:11, Tayah:6,Bridie: 12, Chloe: 8, Indi, 18, mietta: 7, ally: 7
shamrock - Nicole and Emily
Fortuna - Kiana and Tahlia
good thanks :)
To many
Isabella and Charlotte
No Hahaha
Blake Agnoletto?
Lanas friends, really nice, pretty, and love her xox
iPhone 6
who knows??
Tahlia,Olivia, Nicole
Saw tehjal xx
Bestfriends = Nicole Ferreira, Olivia Sens, gabby Watson, Kyle simpkins, Tahlia sims, Darcy Adamson, Blake Agnoletto. Streaks = Nicole Ferreira- 145, Olivia Sens- 82, gabby Watson- 3, Tahlia sims- 7, Blake Agnoletto- 42, georgia Waller- 3, Chloe hill- 10
Tari xx
Just b4 because Olivia did something lol
Good cousin.
Hahah thanks ???
Lol no ??
Christmas one
Used to be close, really nice and really pretty.
You to
Maddie- known u since really younge, like a sister and really nice and love her xx!! Lana- sister, nice (sometimes) funny when happy and lucky to be her sister xx
olivia sens xx
never thought about it
not sure.
Nicole,Tahlia and Olivia
Sure do xx
Olivia Sens! She got about 5% on her spelling test ?
nah i love her
Orientation day
What about her?
Nicole, Tahlia and gabby
Georgia or Lana
Love her xx