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Amuse or abuse

109 Replies

Your source of happiness?

Idk anymore

Limo67 replied 4016 days ago

Main friendship group?


Limo67 replied 4031 days ago

Who's in your friendship group?

I have a few friendship groups

Limo67 replied 4034 days ago

Friends you've made this year so far?

I knew pretty much all of my friends last year

Limo67 replied 4049 days ago

Overall best friend?

I don't have just one

Limo67 replied 4067 days ago

Plans for 2014?


Limo67 replied 4084 days ago

Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

I have unlimited intelligence so intelligence for looks I guess

Limo67 replied 4088 days ago

#razz em_beecroft

Shut up em

Limo67 replied 4088 days ago

I am very nice :) georgiabarlow

Haha sometimes :) when I don't piss u off

Limo67 replied 4091 days ago

How big is your TV?

60 inches

Limo67 replied 4094 days ago

Why would any one be jealous of a relationship that only one person is committed to! And there you go again! "Luv you heaps Hannah!"

U know what?? Go f*ck urself!! How would u even know that she's not committed to our relationship!?!? Just because she doesn't say that she loves me on or instagram where u people can see it, doesn't mean that she doesn't say it to me!! So if ur not gonna say this **** to my face then go f*ck yourself u f*cking p*ssy!! And just to piss u off and coz it's true - LOVE U HEAPS HANNAH

Limo67 replied 4094 days ago

If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?


Limo67 replied 4097 days ago

Everyone just leave Liam alone! He can say what he wants to to his girlfriend! Stop bagging him for being nice to her. Renerose200

thanks serena!! its good to have friends like u!! :) maybe if people weren't jealous of me and hannah it wouldn't happen. Love u heaps hannah <3

Limo67 replied 4097 days ago 1

Your saying " love you heaps hannah" in frigen every question. I've never seen or heard her say that. Don't get so attached to her. You hardly know her

Firstly, I've said it 3 times!! Secondly, if ur too ***** to come off anon and say it to my face then u shouldn't bother saying anything at all!! If I want to say that I love her, then I will!!! And she's said it plenty of times to me, so even if you've never seen or heard her say it, that doesn't mean that she hasn't!!! So if u wanna be a ****in *****, then go **** yourself!!!

Limo67 replied 4102 days ago

I thought hannah didn't have kik?

Yeah she does

Limo67 replied 4102 days ago