What do you have no time for?
What got you upset recently?
Just go back to nsw your pathetic Kay kool
How so?
why do bad things happen to good people? why is the sky blue? what's the deal with airline food?
Because people are sht, reflection from the water, and idk
Go kill yourself
Nah, I'm too lazy.
Stay away from my man ****.
I'm not even talking to any guys so wtf.
Hey so, i heard you were single now, was curious if you were interested in doing something sometime?
I've been single for over a year? Haha and depends what you mean cause I'm not that kinda girl...
What was the last thing that got stolen from you?
My Heart.. HAHA
ur engrish is gud. vry rell dun A
Excuse Me?
so this is the dank meme you're talking about
Mitch pls
Y are u not in a relationship
Cause the people I fall for don't like me? I don't know haha
You're beautiful don't forget that
Thanks I guess..
Why don u talk 2 me
Cause you don't talk to me?
Date me?
Don't know who you are soz
How do you feel right now
Pretty sht and empty
Y u a btch 4?
Uh am I? Explain how? Haha
Daym gurl you look guurrrrd! *tiss*
Uh wot..
Have you done an al
I'm in your uni course, I have a massive crush on you xx
Who is this...
Have u done an***
An what?
What turns you off ?
Poor hygiene
People are actually quite horrible on thIs thing I've noticed
Yup :/
I'm a stranger who you've probably never met and probably never will but I just want to say that you're an awesome person and don't ever forget that. Have a great day
Thankyou random stranger? Haha
You're beautiful
Thanks, just wish I felt it..
What are you trying to prove to yourself?
That I'm worth it.
wow you are pathetic.
don't ever get snaps from you :(
Do you snap me?
Do you love someone?
Yeah I love my mum haha
Can I ask, why him?
Why who?
Tally of how many ppl u had $ex wif
That's a bit personal..
What is the most expensive thing you own ?
U no u have at least 5 guys that want u. Y not take a chance on one of them. Coz they actually want u and care about u?
If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?
But an awesome big house, travel, build my own entertainment venue, manage said venue and live life to the fullest I guess
What song are you listening to now if you are listening to anything?
Wrecking Ball ~ Miley Cyrus
Your single coz your ugly and fat
Yeah probz. Awell
How are you single?! Guys are stupid, Wanna go out for a coffee sometime?
Just am?
Uh.. Who are you send me a message?
Smile beautiful girl ❤️❤️
I'll try ❤️
You need to get out there and have a few one night stands stop being so uptite
Yeah nah, I'm not that type of person. If I sleep with someone it means I have pretty strong feelings for them. And that's my decision.
Do ya wanna fite?
Make love not war ✌️
Do you like cheese?
Yes Octavia :p
who's your best friend?
Misty Rose ❤️❤️
Money or Loyalty ?