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Ask me anything you like anonymously

197 Replies

Whats the thing you liked the most about your Ex ?


Littlemoey replied 3386 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?

Your mum

Littlemoey replied 3427 days ago


Heheh lamo what does that mean?? Hehehe...

Littlemoey replied 3565 days ago

Biggest regret?

I have a few I can't say one but one of them is annoying the **** out if jade de bono. Because there was no reason I mad her get angry and more angry every time. Wtf was I thinking? I'm a fu. Ck wit. Lamo.

Littlemoey replied 3565 days ago

Do you love jade de bono


Littlemoey replied 3581 days ago


Littlemoey replied 3587 days ago

What do you do when you angry?

Punch some one in the face. Like what else am I going to do head but who ever made these dumb questions??

Littlemoey replied 3606 days ago

Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?

Yea by 2 girls from Melbourne and they both know eachother and they now who they are and I still love one of the girls.

Littlemoey replied 3618 days ago

What time do you sleep?

When I'm sleepy

Littlemoey replied 3620 days ago

What is the saddest thing in life?

Losing someone you love.

Littlemoey replied 3632 days ago

Name a person you lied to today

No one I don't lie unless it's something really really big.

Littlemoey replied 3655 days ago

What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?

I'll do anything but nothing gay lol or murder we'll it depends on who I need to murder lol but tea I'll so anything. Smoke weeeed

Littlemoey replied 3657 days ago

A super power you wish you had?

Fly,not make mistakes,eat heaps of food without getting out of shape and not to go for 3 hour gym and can play heaps of video games. :))))

Littlemoey replied 3674 days ago

What are you really good at?

Annoying jade de bono.

Littlemoey replied 3677 days ago 1

Who are you dating?

Shakira <3

Littlemoey replied 3681 days ago