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Liv Blake


I answer all xx

315 Replies

Bc people ask that all the time and the answer is always the same like "yeah I'm good/alright/fine" but actually how u are?

dm me if you actually give a sht

LivBlake replied 3349 days ago

How are you? Like actually how are you


LivBlake replied 3349 days ago

You gay

you wrong

LivBlake replied 3376 days ago

Thoughts on all the livs and all the Sarah's in year 10

Alphabetical Liv Brown - nice, a bit quiet, don't talk very often Liv Rose - love her so much, such a good friend, gorgeous Sarah Cermak - don't know her all that well, seems nice, good to hang at at parties, makeup lover like me ? Sarah Haire - really pretty, don't talk very often Sarah Logan - really lovely, pretty, good at makeup Sarah Radlow - so lovely and caring, great girl to be around Sarah Sayers - let's me take ages at my locker, seems nice Sarah Trower - nice girl, sick to talk to funny as

LivBlake replied 3427 days ago

thoughts on lana okavic?

Ha not enough space to type my thoughts about this chick

LivBlake replied 3427 days ago

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Your opinion is the only one that matters when it comes to your choices for your life

LivBlake replied 3436 days ago

yeah but who do you think the 5 prettiest girls at bent are?

Maybe liv r noy ema ally Sarah h Sarah t can't pick only 5

LivBlake replied 3440 days ago

5 prettiest girls in year 10 @ bentleigh?

Everyone is pretty in their own way xx

LivBlake replied 3440 days ago

guys your close with atm

Toby is basically it

LivBlake replied 3477 days ago

do u have a boyfriend?


LivBlake replied 3480 days ago

Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?

Who would want to live forever

LivBlake replied 3499 days ago

you do you gurl you are perfect exactly how you are and I hope you believe it

Thank you so much ❤

LivBlake replied 3509 days ago

do you regret anything?

No lol life is too short

LivBlake replied 3509 days ago

Thoughts on Andre Kartashev? xx

Gym junkie, likes saying sht that actually hasnt happened to everyone, but apart from that funny

LivBlake replied 3514 days ago

hottest blond Russian in english?

Not obvious at all Andre

LivBlake replied 3514 days ago