going to Emma's??
Yeah I went!
Would you hook with Louis Howcroft
Ur not popular at all
tthankyou xx
Sam and Livvie sitting in a tree K I S S I N G
Who would you want to hook with the most out of Louis.H Connor.M Sam.S
No one likes adge now
yeahs I do
Do u like chris?
no! But as a friend
Ts all about martisha,martisha,martisha,martisha!!!
what's happening with you and adge
You and gab still Friends
no :) kiddin
You didnt really talk to anyone at the party last night...your were just in that dark room
R u going to Sophie's party this weekend
yep x
where is your denim skirt from
which ?
I'm going to buy a cat
ahahah you go do that gab
Why did your group ditch camby high?
i didnt x
Which Jess do u know best
umm im not sure
Thoughts on ruby paul
nah ily and your rlly pretty
Ur a stuck up try hard
What do you think of Sam Skinner
really niceeee
Wtf happened at sport
hahahaa i know
I hav a crush on u! U single?? :)
ahah maybe
Rate indie from cgsc x
Thoughts on anna
ewwwww nah jks ily
Would u hook with Charlie if u could?
happy easter to you too x
How do u know annabel
Are you still with Sam
Rate Nick Dekas /10
6 1/2
I found another queef but it aint as good haha
Do u love me Olivia barrat smith?
cause i do
How many Jess's do u know
lots x
Thoughts on Kylie?
Awesomest chick everrrrr
Y r so mean to someone that used to be in ur group but she left and now the whole group hates her?
Ummm I don't know who this is so I can't reply
Are you having a party???? Is there an Instagram for it??????
Maybe and no
Fav person from 7c
Umm idk
Is u and adges party still going on?? Xx
Idk maybeeee
Hey fish - charlie
Hey freak! Hahahaha miss youuuu
Thoughts on tate?
Lovely girl! Want to get to know her better xxx
Mia MC is so hot what's her kik
Uhh don't know her
*exy thang
Well.... Don't like to bragq
Why can't my life be like urs
I really don't know hahah
If you went to a private school what school?
Um idk
What's your fav colour
Laura priddle? Thoughts
rlly pretty x
Tbh~ Sophie Luke ( grace)
love her
Ill see u at em and Georgia's xxx
ohh cool
Fav person from 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 7g
Do u want to w frineds
no nah ily
Ur hot
thanks sophieeee xxx
Ur really popular
aww nahhhh
Why r u so nice
umm idk no like i rlly dont
How do u no sophia she the best
well i dont rlly know her!!
Ur the best singer
well... i dont like to brag about it. hahahaha nah jks
Emma and Georgia are having a joint party xx
hhah yeah i am going x
georgia's and emma's are joint so you're pretty much going to both aha -jess
ohhh hahaha i didnt know it was a joint
Is gab still mad at you I think YES
ohh okay.....
Tbh ńìçk
Love himmm! hes party was awesome<3
Are you going to Emma & Georgia's?
Yeah I am going to emmas, don't know about georgias.....:/
Claire ong??
amazing girl but id like to get to kknow her better xx
Y is Sarah so amazing?
umm idk<3
did you meet Sophie lastnight?
nah i met her the other day! but i saw her last night :)
Hahahha it was so funny watching u flirt with Flynn at b ball
hahahahhaha nahhhhhhhh
Hey there gorgeous
heyyy xx
Do you have a boyfriend what's his name
no i dont
Are you still with Sam
Do you want a boy friend
Make more friends. Ya need em'
ahahha i will
what state do u live in australia?
Gabs sooo nice to you and u put her down at least once an hour! I support you gab and that's why I support the 'Gab needs a life' foundation :)
mmm i dont know what to reply..................
Thoughts on mr q?
mmmmmmm hes not wrong
Tbh shelle
I remember one time I went up to you to say hi and u didn't even aghnoledge me, just a little slap
hahahah gabbb
I'll ask it again, thoughts on gab Hollo? U didn't reply before honestly cos your a bit shy
What time is it
ummmmm idk
mmmm i dont even know gab
Gab Hollo
ummmm shes alright
are u excited for nicks party tonight?
Whitney? She in 7c
love her xx