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The truth ,the whole truth and nothing but the truth

249 Replies

megan roux ?

Aka stoutgat ?? replied 2309 days ago

What made you happy today? 100+

Playing hockey with my team replied 2311 days ago 1

What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?

Gladly I am aware of what I do so I don't send messages to the wrong people ? replied 2314 days ago 1

What makes you sad?

Knowing that I've caused others pain before replied 2324 days ago 2

What should people stop buying?

Spookies? replied 2325 days ago 1

What makes you happy?

Spending time with quality people who can talk about music for hours and all the adventures they've been on replied 2332 days ago

You're adorable!

That statement is only reserved for little floofs or puppers replied 2333 days ago

Kill yourself

Have a donut maybe you'll feel better than telling people to go kill themselves replied 2334 days ago

What is the smartest thing you've ever done?

Keep quiet and let others state their point and said only about 10 words to show them the whole in their logic replied 2345 days ago

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?

That I am not ticklish, face it I'm practically dead? replied 2349 days ago

Do you have a valentine?

Single-awareness day all the way replied 2349 days ago 1

Who is the most famous person you have met?

Meh, I dunno ?. I generally don't care about who's famous or not just if they were good company or not? replied 2355 days ago 2

As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?

How people just don't use common sense or care about their actions and how those actions affect others replied 2368 days ago 1

I hate what happened to us ???

Me too?? replied 2369 days ago

If you had to choose someone to date ,that you know ,at the moment. Who would it be?

Whoa slow down a little, I can't go into relationship without seeing if the other person's personality and core beliefs don't clash with mine. So honestly it's not as simple as a choice because I don't want to waste someone else's time and get hurt in the process? replied 2369 days ago 1