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I would facepalm.. As I just did when I read that mind bogglingly ridiculous question.
:) Thank you xoxo and I'll remember you Im sure... I remember the sweet people xx
Whoever you are, this made me really sad. How do you know that? You should tell me who you are so I can hug you :( xx
FANX xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Whoever you are. Get a life. your words have no impact on me so what exactly are you getting from this?
<3 xx
Perspectives. \"****\" is barely an insult over here. In the UK its like satan
ANONYMOUS? no clue haha
Why do you care so much about my body and what i do with it? I may be a little overweight to what is considered the norm but I am not fat, I don't eat like a pig. This is my body, my life and my decisions and all you are doing is wasting your own time. Does this make you feel empowered? Whoever you are, if you want a debate about what I should or shouldn't do maybe you should say it to me with names visible.
Haha ignorance is bliss <3
"No hating" NICE. You clearly are too under educated to even understand what that truly means. Thanks for your opinion but I know a lot of people who would disagree with you.
oOOOH i wonder who this is ? :P
I can eat as much cake as I want thank you. I have a boyfriend who loves me and friends who make me happy. Are you sure you don't have better things to do than asking me inane questions about desserts?
I'm insecure, not depressed about it. Find me one person who isn't insecure about something? Id rather be happy most of the time, and eat chocolate, and a little insecure sometimes; than depressed constantly because I cant eat that piece of cake.
thank you
:) xx
Uhm... best times are made up of lots of little events usually involving my close friends... Worse would be the time of my parents divorce x
youre welcome :) xx
izzy busby.
physically... my shape.
otherwise, id change how I care too much what people think about me, it gets me down too easily.
Georgia and sally and jonny coz they're leaving me :( x
i like to think so :)
sweety, whoever you are. its anonymous I dont know who you are ;P
hello anonymous person :)
sadly, I adore Jonny but I think he would find me a unsatisfactory person to love... I lack certain... as*ets.
... whats wrong with giving it away?
Emma Stone and Sally Brady.
Me and Jess are married! you must be blind if youve missed all our PDA!
thats okay, I forgive you and won't take offense at your practically calling me a lesbian... or a boy... I'll go with lesbian.
I love miss malley, I take this as a compliment.
You managed to make me smile ... but surely you've recognized my gender... so surely I would be interested in your lovely male sheep not lady sheep?
people change, relationships end. that's the way it is :)
Very well actually. I should have seen the signs though... you know all his lovers and everything.