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Lonwabo Qamba


Ask me anything you like anonymously

47 Replies

Ur profile pic makes me *****. . .

And your comment left me cold....

LoniQ replied 4911 days ago

Who iz ur role model?

No one in particular because nobody's perfect. I'm inspired by people who believed in their dreams enough to make them come true despite the challenges they faced along the way.

LoniQ replied 4911 days ago

What is the worst advice you've ever received?

1. Money can\'t buy love, but it can buy good *ex (only a nympho would say that) 2. Love conquers everything (If that was the case, then divorce courts and alimony wouldn\'t exist)

LoniQ replied 4911 days ago

Wud u have *ex without a condom?

I would consider it if you ran a series of HIV tests and marry me afterwards.

LoniQ replied 4911 days ago

Do u have any regrets in life?

Yeah i do but what's the point of crying over missed opportunities? I'm just looking forward to take advantage of the good opportunities that come my way. :-)

LoniQ replied 4912 days ago 2

Why do u dodge the subject of ur *exuality?

Lol! What are you talking about? I didn't dodge anything. If you want to hone your interrogation skills, go to your nearest police station.

LoniQ replied 4912 days ago

How many languagez can u speak?

I can speak certain Nguni languages, English and a bit of Afrikaans. I cannot speak Sotho or Tswana but I remember during my Jozi days when a couple of "Einsteins" would gossip about me not knowing that I understood 50-60% of what they were saying.

LoniQ replied 4913 days ago

Do you believe in friends with benefits?

Hell no! Friends should share everything except money, boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses/baby mamas/baby daddies and bodily fluids. Situations like that lead to one of you developing romantic feelings (if the friend is good in bed) or contempt (if the friend performs like a dead goldfish in bed) If you wanna mess up a good friendship, go for it.

LoniQ replied 4913 days ago

If u can change anything about yoself, wat wud it be?

Hmmmm. Where do I begin? For starters, I would reduce the size of my man boo*s from a 44D to a training bra. I also want a firm butt like Madonna\'s face after one of her Botox injections and I would love to have David Beckham\'s body without having to exercise and Chuck Norris\' healthy spam (He has 6 kids). I also want a d**k as big as Rihanna\'s forehead.

LoniQ replied 4913 days ago

Do u blv in luv @ 1st sight?

No. But i believe in lust at first sight. ;-)

LoniQ replied 4913 days ago

Is your **** cut or uncut?

Huh? I don't understand your question. You're talking higher grade English when I barely passed English on standard grade. *confused*

LoniQ replied 4913 days ago

Have u ever dated outside ur race???

Lol! Is the sky blue? My high school biology teacher always preached the importance of exploring and experimenting so I took his advice. Besides you can't eat samp and beans for the rest of your life. It's important to know how a Greek salad tastes like too. :-)

LoniQ replied 4913 days ago

Are you top or bottom?

Huh? That's a weird question. This question reminds me of that old Cremora advert: "It's not inside. It's on. . . .top" if you must know I'm wearing a striped top and blue bottoms but I prefer to call them jeans. I honestly don't know why you'd ask me what I'm wearing. #Stalker

LoniQ replied 4914 days ago

Wena u think ur special and funny. Get ova yourself because u r ugly boss.

And yet you took the time out of your hectic schedule to write this. Lol!

LoniQ replied 4914 days ago

Can i give u a ****job plz? I want u <3

Thanks for the offer but my d**k is not a public restroom. Brothels, escort agencies, Loslyf magazine and street corners were created for a reason. :-)

LoniQ replied 4914 days ago