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Aasif Essack


Ask me anything you like anonymously

14 Replies

im not offended on behalf on other people. I am mixed. Half Korean. And i showed your video to some of my family and they felt the same way. I am just saying. just because Gavin from China was okay with it. The rest of China wouldnt be.

Then the next logical thing is not to watch my it not? If you offended by something just stop watching or reading, your family has a different opinion my viewers have a different opinion. You half Korean is a bit futile cos it was a Chinese accent so I'm not too sure what you trying to do or say so yeah. In my opinion, just stay on yourside of the field I'll stay in mine. That way no one will be offended? Cool? Thanks

Loomseef911 replied 2598 days ago 1

I'm mixed. And your last video doesn't offend me because I don't get offended easily but it would be offending to other people. But im glad you put a warning in the caption.

You see you one of those people who get offended on behalf of another group. If you saw in the comments my friend Gavin from China actually found it funny. You see humour is complex something a lot of people don't understand. A lot of my videos are actually real life situations so I guess it is like walking through a mine filed when creating a skit or doing a comic.

Loomseef911 replied 2598 days ago 1

You're actually unfunny. Some of your videos are nice. But overall. Really unfunny.

Well you are entitled to your opinion. Although factual evidence is not in your favor guess I got to respect your thought process.

Loomseef911 replied 2598 days ago

I love your videos ??

Thanks thanks ???

Loomseef911 replied 2598 days ago

Your comedy is on point ?

Thank you ??

Loomseef911 replied 2598 days ago

Craziest thing uv done

Once ate a spider for 200 bucks in grade 4

Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago

What makes you nervous?

Doing Improv stand up makes me shake

Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago

What's the most impressive skill that u have?

The ability to insult myself and someone else at the sametime

Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago

I want to be your girlfriend ???

But for why

Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago

Thoughts on Susan?

Who is Susan?

Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago



Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago 1

If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?

Swalala by Jason Derulo

Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago

How did you start comedy?

I don't even know bruv, i just sommer decided to make dubsmashes and people enjoyed it and then from there i decided to try and be original and make my own content

Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago

You are handsome?

Thank you! You are handsome too i think or pretty yeah!

Loomseef911 replied 2599 days ago