Louvaine Van Biljon
Wies wandre
So ander ou in ons skool??
Het jy jou oog op iemand en wie TheRealTwin_xx
Jahh? whatsapp my dan se ek jou??
Whats your fitness goal
I dont really have one my goal is just to stay fit and healthy?
Soo jy en wandre
Umhhh nee?
Have you ever been in a situation on a bus/school trip where the guys had an opportunity to pee but the girls didn't?
Nooo I have not been in such a situation???
Your curtains are closed but i saw you climb in your bed ? remember im always watching.
I wasn't home stupid??
This is just the first taste of my venom. - A
Cool so your a snake????? I didn't know snakes could type on there phones??
Like babies, lies grow bigger. Then they start talking. When will YOU? - A
Haha I already did fnxx??
Duhhh obiouse???
Where there’s smoke, there’s payback. - A
Its way far from my neck haha????
Coping pritty little liars I see????
Did you get a goodnight kiss? Here’s one from me. xo
Noo thanks I'm okay?
what did you do?
Dm me then ill tell you???
?? lol what was the place/situation?
???I invited some of my friends to visit me and my best friend and I went to the bathroom to go pee and there was 2 boys standing infront of the bathroom waiting for us to finish up ???
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend couldn't pee somewhere because guys could hear?
Mirror mirror on the wall. Im behind your bedroom door. Beware or ill get you all. (Ps. Ill be watching you doll)?????
Sure buddy ?? soos asof jy in my jaard kan kom??
Wat soek jy in n ou???
Sy personlikheid ??
Jys so cool??
Dq baie?
Jy ook hoor wie ookal jy is?
Wie Is jou crush??
Wat gaan tussen jou en daai johan ou aan? ?
Umhhh ons Is net vriende ???
Ekt vir jou gekyk toe jy geslaap het gistraand??
Sure buddy???
Eks by jou venster?passop as jy vannaand in jou bed klim hoor?
Jy is dom??
Ondhou jy my nog ek was in jou laerskool ?
Umhh ek het nie n clue nie sorry?
Wie Is jy???
Jy is slim
Jou personlikheid is soos top 10
Jy het n mooi glimlag
Jy maak almal om jou glimlag
Jy is vrek snaaks
En ek kyk net op na jou ?
Naww jy het my neergeslaan met jou woorde ?
Dq baie wie ookal jy is ?
#Dm my
Moet nie luister vir daai lozers nie loufane jy is mooi net soos jy is ??? ek is nog altyd jaloers op jou☺ want jy is net perfekte?
Aww dq baie wie okal jy is ? jy is ook net so amazing? jy moet nie jaloers op my wees nie want die here het elke liewe een van ons Uniek gemaak en glo my daar Is baie mense wat ook jaloers is op jou hoor want jy het n gatskop personlikheid hoor?
En ondhou niemand is *perfek* nie almal maak maar voute jong n mens is net perfek in die here se oë?????
#dm my sodat ek persoonlik vir jou kan dankie se en jou meer verduidelik?
Fitness lyk nie mooi op jou nie jy het nie eers n A$$ nie ???
Ag dankie darem is ek die beter persoon en se mense nie sleg oor hul lyf tipes nie?
dayumn gurl! would love to tap dat a$$!
Who are you
Eks agter jou?
As jy so se?
Jy kan maar net meer eerliker wees hoor jy is dom mann????????????
Dankie baie maar darm is my IK hoër as Joune?
Ek haat jou mann ?
Whatever floats your boat skat ❤
Mis jy my nog?
Wies jy? #dm my?
Uhhhggg jys beeldskoon?ILY my vyy Shan555
Aww dankie my shan ? ILYTT ❤❤
Hkm sulke kort broeke
Hkm sulke kort Ik????
En dalk moet jy biekie oplet want duidelik weet jy nie wat ek dra nie??
Vlip mn kom net oor jouself vir n slag
En wies jy?? Dalk moet *jy* biekie oor jouself kom aangesien jy se ek moet oor *My* self kom. #practise what you preach darling??
Gaan daar iets aan tussen jou en meneer rasto?
Umhh nee wat De hel?? dis my mnr en afrigter daai niks meer ?sies man ?
Jy en shannon is soo gayy soos wt dit kn kom????
Umhh nee grouse siesa man duidelik Is jy biekie siek in jou kop om dit te dink?
En jammer jys n biekie jaloers hoor, want duidelik kan jy nie n sterk vriendskap soos ons kry nie? so kry jou feite agter mekaar?
What do you really think about neo leigh huh
Ek dink sy Is supper cool?
Sys awesome??
Do you have snapchat? Because I can’t DM you ?
No? just insta??
Damb jys $exy?
Damb jys weird?
Soo daai Johan ou en jy by jeug vrydag????
Jahh wat daarvan????
You are a very funny person??
Haha fnx I know right?????
How would you step on his fingers exactly? Like obviously with your foot. But in what way for it to hurt enough? ??
Dm me then I will tell you exactly ??
If you were on a balcony, saw two sets of fingers grabbing the edge of the floor, looked over the railing to find a robber hanging off the edge, what would you do?
Step on his finger?????
Jou personlikheid is amazing ??
Dankie jyy ;-)... Dm my??
Jy is n selfsugtige persoon ? en jy dink te veel van jouself??
Dis nie my probleem nie ? ek gee nie rerig om oor wat jy dink nie tho☺ eks happy met wie en wat ek is ?
Jy het baie mooi bene?
Naww ? ? dankie ?
Hkm moet jy so mooi lyf hê??
Haha dankie baie ? ek glo jy het ook n mooi lyf ?
Jy is soo mooi, beeldskoon en jy het die mees perfekste personlikheid?
Naww dankie baie??
Ek glo jy het ook net so goeie personlikheid ?
Eks jou secret admirer bruh??♀️
Haha en wie Is jy presies??????
Dm my dan sal ons sien??
Them secret admirer thoooo?
I'm flattered???
You are supper amazing ❤ ???????
And very spesial to me you know????❤❤❤
Dm my ?????❤❤???
Wie dink jy is ek
Geen idee?
Describe him, maybe it's him asking
Welll he gyms he Is sweet,cute and awesome ??
Het jy n crush op n ou ouer as jy???♂️
Mabe whyy
So ek hoor jys smoor verlief op Dirkie
Neee net vriende?
Would u kiss a girl or have ur ever thougt about kising a girl?
Nope grouse never
Haha so wat nou??????
Nou vrae jy net vra en n mens antw?
Hey dis eke Dirk werk di ding??? Dirkibeer
Jahhhh dirkkkiee?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Don't look behind you, otherwise my cover is blown
Okayyy hun?
You don't know who I am but I know all about you
Sure buddy
Thoughts about shannon??
Daars te veel
Who is your celebrity crush??
Shawn mendes ???
Have you ever been on a trip where they pulled over for the guys to have a pee but wouldn't stop at a bathrooms for the girls?
What do you think about karlien? Shan27
A lot
You are pretyyyyy? Shan27
Who would you take a bullet for ?
My best friend
You are a beautiful person inside and out, you should not forget that??❤
Tnx shannny