Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
"Don't be an A$$hole, treat people well and don't give a sht about those who aren't worth your time and effort" -Luka
Thank you?x
Fake people, people who say they're different but there exactly like every other A$$hole out there. Mostly people who blatantly lie and go behind your back
Don't really care about it
How to use a condom
Thank you kurva❤️
Jaryd, Dylan, Antonio, and the rest know who they are
Thank you??
That's great dude??
What is up with you people?
Forgot the deatails my dood
Virginia? That's a southeastern state of the U.S.
Diedericks for president
That would be correct??
Why not both
Facing fears and overcoming them to experience true freedom is the only way to live. If you had no fear life wouldn't be as fun
dck so big it could kill someone
Some crazy sht has happened in my life, like one in a million type of stuff?? Honestly hard to pick one
Love? That moment you know you're in love is when you hopelessly fall in love with that person, you only realize it when every day you wake up and realize how happy you are that they're in your life, how when you see that person you get that smile on your face that makes your day, the fact that you would do anything in your power to make them smile and to make them laugh. How even speaking to them gives you butterflies in your stomach and they give you the happiest days of your life, and when that person says how much they love you and how amazing you are and they admit it, that's when you know you're in love. But unfortunately some people are blind and don't realize everything good in the world is right in front of them and they're to blind to realize it. That's why love is a btch
-sense of humor
-if they make me happy
If my maths is correct then 17-7=21?
That means I was still a wee las as they say? I don't have a memory of an elephant but I'm sure it would have been something along the lines of making Drug deals, dank cash and smashing all the hoes? So yeah I was playing GTA
Condoms... I mean ughhh
If you're rich af and you buy a couple million rand car now that's just a waste of cash
0 so As low as:
My will to live
Amount of friends
fcks given
Hotness (degrees cellcius)
Will to live
People who like me
Money (rands)
Amount of EGD drawings I've done
Social status
Number of girlfriends
Life goals achieved
Hours used productively
Duck size (inches)
dck size (inches)
My reasons for making this list
English mark
Soz I'm not hot enough to be on the cover of the magaizine. More like page 85 bottom left corner berries where no one can see?
Not much. Just the sht most people do and the fact how people can go through life being an A$$hole and thinking how the world owes them something.
Send nudes?? Wait that's 2 words? Well then it would be dankest memes. Omg never mind?
Have a killer bikini bod ?? I mean
If she has a rucking oenis
You know what, fck it I'll say it? I like Qaylah
Yes definetly?? she's rucking amazing in every way? She knows I like her just hope she feels the same way about me??
Honestly, the most amazing and beautiful girl I've ever met and will ever meet?She's honestly so amazing in every way? To put it into simpler terms: dank af fam❤
Don't come to school on Tuesday the 12 of march then??
Father? Just in time for Christmas?
It's you're *a f**?? And it's oenis not p****?
Only the dankest meme??
Bruh it's in the negatives?
Depends who's asking? DM me and I'll tell you? TBH I was going to let her know how I feel but she most likely doesn't like me? Life is such
I'm pretty sure you know?? her name ends in the letter O as in Mandingo?
Probe me ??
This is somewhat false
No ones life is in control they're never under control?
Da fek? That's pretty deep
Well I was adopted sooo??
Already tried! Answer is 32
A solid 30'' on a 23'' screen
ANOMALY XD probably not life's a btch and then you die so why not ride the train to you're inevitable death?
Nothing I'd kms
Daddy? Is that you???
Don't assume my gender you *****
Life, this one girl?, overthinking sht, my future
Someone amazing? She's perfect in every way makes me smile makes me laugh and not want to kill myself??
Yeah I do but I know she doesn't like me back? Shes perfect in every way and it's pretty fekn sht that she likes someone else?
I prefer Victoria's Secret? Who the fek even is this??
You're and who the fek is this??
Dad? Is that you? After all these years??
That's pretty k**ky? Me first tho?
Why just why...?
No clue? Wtf are all these questions
Fire blanks soz?
Thanks❤️ Don't know who this is but thanks?
DM me and I'll tell you?
Tripping on flat surfaces, singing we are the cool cats through a cone, making people laugh, failing at my multiple suicide attempts
Lightsaber from starwars? And the ring from DR strange forgot what it's called cos I'm dumb??
Only juan❤️ She's amazing just hope she thinks I'm not a f*****??
New number who dis? DM me