I mean in looks ?? Form 3 s? Top 3 ??
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What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?
Hottest form 3 girls from your school?
Depends what you mean by beautiful cause it's not only looks X
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
Depends on who with
What's your favourite word or phrase ?
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
Double maths makes me sad
What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?
Kanyes bank details. Nah, not yet
What is your biggest success up until now?
Ask me in 5 years .
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Uhh Bear Grylls bruh, he knows some stuff.
How much do you weigh?
The scales always say E.R- so whatever that means pfft.
What was your last dream about ?
Plans for the new year ?
Make sure it's better than last.
The best song in 2014 for you ?
Can't choose one- but, Sun goes down, Soundwave or Lovers on the sun
What did you get for christmas ?
3 hottest form 2 girls? And hottest form 3 girl your age? Please name and don't say something else !!!
Form 2 is probably Bella, Yas and Erica- so hard to choose three though.
I can't choose 1 form three girl- sorry.
Who would you take a bullet for?
Too many to name
Im a fireball XD
Great banter