What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Snap backs, and shoes. :D
Are you still dating Jasmine?
What would you like to ask God?
Mother ****er, you don't exist, cause if you did, you wouldn't let anyone die.
How much is currently in your bank account?
who the **** are you 'dating' kunt?
Check my 'facebook' Blood.
Why do you post such gay stuff? You gain nothing from it. Everyone thinks you're a looser
Why don't you stop being a little girl, and not say **** form qooh, haha. :)
Read your inbox baby, i sent you a paragraph! <3 xx
Who do you like
Im dating someone?
How do find out how fresh they are?
That English though. :')
Thoughts on Will Reid :)
Will, well i was a really close mate for awhile i really don't know whats happened though! :(
How fresh are your clothes?
Fresh, and you?
Jasmines hot xx
Yes Jas, You are. xx ;)
Jasmines mine B-||
Uhm, what?
p**** f***** Poopy Silly Smelly Butt Poop - Your best mate
Uhm, ahha, okay!
3 of the cutest couples?!
Braden, and Chels Number 1.
Jamie and his missus, number 2. Not sure, who else though..
Thoughts on Jasmine Leech? x
She's one hella of a adorable girl, gives best cuddles, and kisses, out, awh, love that girl. :) x
What do you do in your spare time?
Tumblr, music, AND Clothes, mhm, gotta be fresh. :)
How close are you and Braden?
Close enough, to be best mates! :)
Who do you have feelings for?
If you can't tell then you won't know. :)
You're amazing baby boy xxx
Jas is perff xxx
You're perfect xxxx jizman
I love you. xxxx
I miss your dad too!
Um who are you? :o
What do you miss on a daily basis?
Well my Nan, and Father, every minute! :(
Who'd ya kiss?
Non of your bizzz! :)
Did you get a new years kiss? ;)
Yes. :)
Someone you honestly miss? (guy)
Someone you honestly miss? (girl)
None.. :/
Is it easier to forgive or forget?
What are you wearing right now?
SnapBack, Tank top, jeans yeah, they gotta be saggin' and fresh kicks with beats. <3 hahaha swag
What is missing in your life?
My father..
You should become gay with me and branden
Ha, no.
Thougt on The Notorious Lee? :)))
One ****in' deadly animal, roots anything in its path..
How many people have you had *ex with
Thats for me to know, and for you too not, sorry. :~)
Hey Luke I think you are really hawt and I Luv your swag XXXXOOOO
Hey, thats cool.
You're so perfect **** you for having standards :'(
I don't inbox me then..
Have you got tattoos
I wish.
Swag is off the charts right now cuz! We should go shopping together
Dunno who you are?!
you claim to OG and have swag but i know what lies behind the piercings luke what truly is your REAL image you think you are the chosen one but let me tell you one thing my boy you should have respected us.
Um you must be smokin' some real crazy ****..
you look horrible with so many piercings your gonna regret it babe xxxxx
Im not getting anymore tho. :)
What's your next piercing going to be?
Dunno yet, why's that homie?
Crushing on anyone?
I dont crush people.. ;)
Good boy xxxxxxx
Yeeahh g.
Okay bby. <3
Love me
Whats your name!? :(
you're so ugly
Hide behind anon.
teech mi how to sweg pls
First, you gotta spell. :~)
Thoughts on me? :)) :* hannahdvck
Pretty amazing, had a fun night too. :*
thoughts on me, putting eerything that happened behind us? bcosclaire
Hmm, idk, hard too say..
How many swags do you eat for breakfast
How the **** do you eat swag's?
Btw this **** dont get to me anymore. :~)
Thoughts on Braden Hillman? Cause I think I like him..
*exy ****.
Are you sorta liking anyone atm or got a thing with someone? If not, your amazing and anyone would be lucky to have you. x :**
Tell me who you are first? x
do you and brittany maree have a thing going on?
You're so hot wish we dated :*
Who is this?
yah such a ****ing ****
**** you blud.
who you got a thing with?
Nun ya biz. :)
Haha ****s keep talking about swag, take it off anon you ****ing *****. Love ya Luu! :3
Haha thanks bud! :3
wjo do you think you would be cute with?
Idk, you tell me??
how much swag do you have???
How many bullets and stab wounds do you want?
How many girls have you ****ed?
Enough to stop.
Do you and Crystal May have a thing? Lol
Do you like anyone atm?
Sick of people making fun of Luke because he has "swag" no it's not "swag" it's fashion get over it does his dress code really matter to you? **** sake. Grow up
Thank you alot! :)
how many snapbacks do you own,
is it like a measurement of your swag?
Are you dumb? :')
Luke Robert Beers, I've known you for a awhile and your absolutely amazing there is no way I'm letting you loose your life over some stupid **** heads.
I love you and stay strong please for all your friends and family xx
Try try try.
You aree amazing you helped me through alot of ups and downs! x
will you share some of your swag with me? #TYBG
I will ****ing kill you dog.
I want to marry you <3
Your hot!
I know you probs wont but msg me, im pretty chilled. :3
Do you like anyone ;)
Nah babe!
You are like the only guy that pulls swag off, and most of these guys are dressing like fkn hippies these days, so to the people that hate Luke for how he dresses, PLS kys, your not harming him in any way you are just a bunch of low life ****s. <3
Awh! Who are you? let me marry youh? x
A longer one.. V hah
A longer what?
Thoughts on Lucinda?
Shes nice, and caring ive said this before..
Who do you reckon you can see yourself getting into a relationship with? :3.
Uhm, idk yett tho.
Thoughts on Shara Weyburg?
She's nice and caring.
Do you like Brittany Webb? ;)
Who do ya like? :)
No one atm, cause everyone i try talk to, change in seconds.
Your piercings and tattoos are amazing!! MARRY ME!!
Um, i dont have tats yet? but thank youh. :)
Pick an old friend that used to mean everything to you and that you would change how use ended up?
And probs be there for him.
A Movie that made you cry?
None. :3
Jamie Walker or Bennie Raa Jay
randomz comparison (so not stalking yo friends list naaahhh)
Both, they both been close mates for a while, Jamies my best mate, Ben is a really trust worthy mate. :)
Facebook or Twitter ? Give a reason for your answer
Facey, and cause.
Marry me :)
No you marry me.
Where can i find some swag? #TYBG
Haha, **** i know who you are, and ive had enough of this swag ****, is that all you have against me, cause if so, PLEASE Kill yourself. :* x
Thoughts on me :* ebyyxox
Your nice and caring. :)
Your very caring, and i miss youh. :3
3 things that attracts you to a person?
Personalty. Eyes. And hair. :)
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
Get mints ya breath smells.
are u a real og nigga
Yupp, im black. :)
I need you back :'(
Who is this?
What makes your mom awesome?
Everything. :)
Thoughts on blade
Fried rice.
Please ? Text it to me then?
Text what? :/