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Cracken girl miss seeing her at school.
Why would I when I have a girl that makes me happy
Yeah what about her?
No taught me a lot about relationship and made me grow up so no I don't!!
Someone that I really don't want to talk about
Such a good chick, great to have a laugh with, never a dull moment in sport and rec with you.
I know your alright it's the smart ones you have to watch
Your a ***** but love yaxx
When people are so nice infront of you but than they slag you off behind your back!!
Properly the one girl would have to be Tanisha even though nothing has ever happened I feel like there will honestly always be something there but nothing will happen
Linzy, Tanisha, alisha
Wait what
Honestly can't say cause there is a few
No we don't have a thing we are just friends
Yeah true. Ya got me.
Dayna sware she hates me Tamika is an amazing friend always there for you no matter what. Maddie sware she hates me too haha
Paige: sook Gabby: whipped Tahnee: no where
Probably have to be my year 9 class had the best fun with some of my best mates
What haha
Where do I even start with Tanisha. I love her so much would do anything for her. I love spending time with her and through all the fighting we still are so close. Jemma don't really know her but she is really nice jake really caught a catch with her
If you really think so send me an inbox xx
Only just got to know each other. Great girl. Amazing singer and can dance at a deb haha
What do you mean by that?
Why would someone say something like that when my brother actually has autism. Saying something like that is pathetic
Than chuck us an inbox :*
Love Shanai, she is so funny and such a good chick Alisha is so nice all the time and makes me laugh all the time. Only just got to know Zoe but she is a pisser she cracks me up all the time.
Yep I did
Mate I didn't **** her over It's just didn't feel right Can't help how I feel
I don't know was she
Thanks :)
I know she is
Why don't you mind your own business I have the right to talk to who ever I want
She is awesome, she always makes me laugh She makes me feel bad sometimes for no reason but she is the best chick out
Poor me I have to keep up with them all Love. xx
Inbox me :) xx
I'm talking to someone at the moment Yes
Thanks I guess
Ok who are you first
Do you really Inbox me
Don't really know her
Funny, always smiling, annoying every now and then but nice
Great chick, always making me laugh She is always hitting me though.