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Cutting my head open :')
Umm there will be no chips :'(
I wouldn't !!
Every one has dreams !
Ummmm not sure
Okaaay !:) yes finally !:) Anyway . You Are a really really really good friend ive know you since kinda you have the best personality you are Super Super Nice and Super Funny and your just a Super Nice person !:))
Your Super nice Super Funny A Really Really Really Really good friend one of my best best friends !:) ive know you for nine years and we have been best friends the whole time we use to talk so much but we don't anymore :'( we should talk more !!!!:) and yeah
None !:)
Thoughts on what what what ?
If they dont know dont you think theres a reason !!!:) but HEAPS !:)
Your really nice really funny a great friend really got to talk to and you have a good as personality and yeahh !:)
You are really nice really funny we have been in 1 grade together ( grade 4 ) that was fun ! And yeah !
What you think ?
Nah i would for 50c but ahaha nah
What the hell what a question ?
Cool kid really nice really really funny a good as personality and good to kick back with
We own it Blurred lines Fast lane !
Yeah but depends on which friend !
Your really nice really funny a great friend you have a good as personality i have know you for about 9 years ( including kinda ) and your one of my bestfriends. We should talk more !!:)
No !
Um inbox me ....:)
Honesty dont know ?
Okaayy ! Your really nice really funny a great friend you have a good as personality your one of my best friends. We should talk more ..!:) Hope its long enough !:)
If my name was jazza how many jazza's would i have !:)
Your so nice your funny you are a great friend you have a great personality your my best friend we use to talk so much but we don't any more... We should talk more !:) hope its long enough !:)
Hahaha !:)
Sorry to many for me <3
Your really nice really funny a great friend a good as person too talk to your one of my bestfriends you need to come back to our school aha and yeah sorry itz not long :)
Algoods :)
Yeah one of my grade 6 bestfriends !:)
Well it depends on how much wood and if a wood chuck could chuck wood !:P
Your really nice really funny a good friend and good to talk too :)
Too many !:/
Your really funny really nice you have a good as personality your one of my bestfriends and good to hang with :)
Nah ill do top 3 :) Natasha Carly Ameena (Not in order)
Natasha, Carly :)
I would not have a clue !:)
Your really nice really funny a great friend you have a really good personality your one of my bestfriends and your really normal ahah !:)
Your really nice really funny a great friend you have the nicest personality your one of my bestfriends we use too talk heaps :) but we dont any more :( !
Your really nice really funny a great friend a cool person to hang with and a really funny person ahah !:)
None ya business !:))
What do you mean ?
Donttt worry !!!!!
Haha ypu still owe me that $1
Dontt worryy !!!:/
Cant say !
No im not
What the hell why do you want to know :/ and itz 7b
I do but yeah
I do not know :P
Your really nice really funny you have a good as personility you and william make a good as couple :). Your one of my bestfriend but we dont talk anymore :( !
Your really nice really funny a really good friend a great person too talk to u and justin chaining make a good as couple ahahaha your one of my bestfriends. You have a good as personality and yeah (sorry if itz not long ) !:)
She is in year 7
Who is this ?
Haha really nice really funny a great friend has a good as personality and is caring !:)
Haha your really nice really funny one of my friends :) has a good as personality and good to talk to plus you owe me a dollar :)
Your really nice really funny a great friend an awesome person to chill with good as to talk too and your one of my bestfriends !:)
Your a really good friend a great kid to hang with your great to talk to and a great preson in general your got a great personality and a good as friend alway there if you need him and samez here man !:) sorry if itz not long !:)
Your really nice really funny a great friend really good to talk to. has a good as personality you and william make a good as couple :) your one of my bestfriends we used to talk heaps but we dont talk anymore :( and yeah sorry if itz not long !:))
Shes really nice really funny a great friend we dont really talk anymore :(( you have a good as personality. You and sam make a good as couple ahah !:)
Shes really nice really funny a great friend we dont really talk much anymore :/ shes one of my bestfriends and has a great personality. Last year was fun ahaha and yeah sorry if itz not really long but yeah !:)
You owe my $1
Is your name emo ?
Hehe your really nice really cool a great friend and one of my bestfriends !:)
Well tell me who you are or you give clues ? And ill give clues ?
Yep okay well your really nice and funny one of my bestfriends a really good person to talk too i havnt forgoten about the elastic bands haha !:) but yeah a cool person to be around and yeah !:).
Okay Please Inbox me ?
Really nice really funny and great to talk too !:)
Umm thanks may i know who this is !:)?
She is really nice really funny a great friend and has a great personality !:)
She is really nice and really funny and has a good personality
Your really nice really funny we are bestfriends :) you have a good as personalitliy and really good to talk too !:))
Reallly nice really funny really cool haha and has a good personality !:)
Really nice funny havent seen her in ages ! And has a good personalitiy !:)
Oh ok