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Ask me anything you like anonymously

5 Replies

If ur Testie were to date your ex wat would you do? Or if she had to kiss one of your ex's what would you do?

If she were my testie and she ACTUALLY did CARE bout me then she wouldn't do that.. And if she already has done that----> ITS OVER..

LwaZeeD replied 4951 days ago

*(G)* how much do you wanna bet you and I will date? (G). Hahaha. Going to the after party tomorrow? The entrance maybe? Yours faithfully, anonymous

Me and yoooo?? DaTe?? Maybeee naaaat!! Mara kudzala ngibona kutsi wena uyangfuna!! I don't paRty me,.. Entrances yeaaaah..
P.S, your not anon coz I know whu u r

LwaZeeD replied 4968 days ago 1

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Charismatic,Assertive and Intimidating

LwaZeeD replied 4969 days ago

Who are you dating currently

As of right now I'm SinGLe....

LwaZeeD replied 4969 days ago

What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?

That I supposedly slept with some1... I mean honestly..

LwaZeeD replied 4969 days ago