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life, people, getting out of bed. lol stuff and thaaaangs
Well I mean mercury is probably gay but oorp I'm down :L
30 I will be 30
im not dating anyone-
omfg- i've done this so much but one of the dumbest of the dumb things i've bought- um a fly swatter with my birthday money so the flies would leave me alone-
I would sit on my own face
Don't you worry child I got this, i'll sing you a lullaby passed on threw my family for so many generations...
Being able to diet and exercise ayo whatwhatwhat
I'm down for Hg
He doesn't get on quotev anymore that I know of, I guess I was the only one he was staying for? So no I have no other way to talk to him or I would because threw out mercury and thomas' relationship I learned that Thomas' admin was a great person and really cared.
Ii- Mercuric acid?
Hello <3
I'm probably about as daddy as every submissive in the world put together
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you mean Jordan? xD well I mean idk mercury is just like that personality wise. His attitude comes off a bit flirty
"cns be the kin" snickering bb
I love you too, lets get married.
two people have asked me this :L
grace c: haha
He has a crush on like two people and has a thing for like 1 :L
Tall, white, has 2 handles, lots of food- lives with me, cold af
Um my entire life?? I'm gr8
Lmao what kidding no I'm not