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ask whatever, say whatever.

624 Replies

Favourite thing to do $exually??

Nothing xox

Maaddie replied 2896 days ago

You srsly are a compelete and utter gutter rat.

I have no idea how lololol when I have a fab job earn more than double your dole money biatchhh

Maaddie replied 2897 days ago

your the maddest chick always laughing

Thanks anon xox

Maaddie replied 2901 days ago

Baby ?

Baby born? Baby goat? Baby whatttttt

Maaddie replied 2901 days ago

What is on you bucket list?

Ffs this bucket list comment has started world war III. My bucket list was literally just going to as many clubs in one night and doing shots and sht, calm downnnnn about the bucket list ;) it has nothing to do with anyone besides me and Mikaela. X

Maaddie replied 2901 days ago

Nick deserved so much better than you and i he is so happy with out in his life you wasted 4 years of some1s life and he canr get it back

You are a horriblle person

Lol you obviously know nothing at fcking all hahahahaha. fck up.

Maaddie replied 2902 days ago

Wow that person is a fcking idiot! You never have to explain why you are skinny to anyone at all
You look great after everything!!!

Hahaha aw thanks

Maaddie replied 2902 days ago

I wanna fck you

Thats nice

Maaddie replied 2902 days ago

you are beautiful ?

U r anon xoxoxo

Maaddie replied 2903 days ago

You look sickly like you've had cancer for 4 years and are refusing to fcking die

I hope you know you forgot to put this on anonoymous hahahahahaha. Thanks bby

Maaddie replied 2903 days ago

How do ypu seriously not care about your actions? You used to be mature and now you are frying yourself and being a complete tool.. boys arent everything.

I don't care about my actions because if i did I would not do it lel. I am mature asf thanks xo
Ps- you are the one that keeps going on about guys? Hahahaha. So I think you need to take your own advice bby

Maaddie replied 2903 days ago

Whats your snapchat?


Mortal Maddie starts Fridays and ends Sundays, enjoy xoxox

Maaddie replied 2903 days ago

You have a lot of haters lol

Hahahaha its fab

Maaddie replied 2903 days ago

" i done what i needed to there' 'its crossed off the bucket list' you are a trashy hoe and need togrow the fck up! No one cares if you had $ex!!!

I have no idea what you do at a club but by the sounds of it you like to get freaky? I did not have $ex at a club. My bucket list is life, and btch calling me a hoe? Hahahaha, Go take another dog filter selfie. #embracethehoelife xoxoxoxox

Maaddie replied 2903 days ago

Dont listen to these people Maddie you are the funniest most caring person i have ever met love you girly

Awww too sweet! And i do not listen to theae gems. They complete my life tho xx

Maaddie replied 2903 days ago