Thoughts on Nikki kotuziaks as*?
Would ****ing destroy it!
Jayden Barry v Brad Russell. Who will win? And how long will this fight last?
It should be a really close fight i'm not exactly sure of the outcome! But we will soon find out :) Everyone make sure they go to rumors this Saturday!
Your cousins are hot
I'm the hawtest
an*** or v*****l?
an*** of course :) Jeez do ya know how your talking to?
Is it true that you and Daley are off at the moment because she won't talk to you until you develop that fit body similar to one amazing Izak Maloney?
Wouldn't surprise me :'(
What happened between you and demi? Didn't you break her heart? Personally I thought yous were cute..
She broke mine like every other woman does :'(
Thoughts on timmy lenders smegma?
10/10 why can't we all have smegma like that :'(
Is it true that jackson blew watches young girls urinate?
Is it true you rooted Ashleigh Okkels ?
Favorite year 10's
Simply could not pick
don't be a dog ****, I want some of her too ****.
Don't we all friend.
wanna roast that ash okkels slu*?
No I want her all to myself
Thoughts on d.keily
My main man <3
Tim > Brad agree?
Who wouldn't!
doesn't that who're you call a girlfriend put out or something.
:'( don't get me started
r u a vergn?
Yes, and proud :)
Is it true you and Jackson blew fight for the one girl every man and their dog is after (Donna Fraser)
Absolutely <3
stop hooking up with that fat ***** ebony Willis on the side ****, you have a girlfriend.
I can't help it, i'm a man i have urges
Rumour is that you're hooking up with Ebbzz on a new collab, with official remixes from teddy cream, Joel fletcher and will sparks. When will the ep be released?
Currently awaiting on Spinnin' Records to give me final confirmation but stay tuned!
Thoughts on Mitch Tribuzi?
Langy veteran <3 Ripper bloke
Is it true that you copied Danyon Blews maroon vest because he has such great fashion sense? BradLenders
100%. He's releasing his new fashion line soon isn't he? Last i heard it was called something like 'Clothing For The Blind/Mentally Challenged'
Best mate you ever had?
Jesus <3
is it true that your self Mayor of Catani, is getting the catani church name changed to "marshes se* dungeon"? BradLenders
My case is currently under heavy review by the shire of Cardinia
Do you like to meet new people?
**** no ****
Tayla collins
Selby marie
Chloe davy
Lucinda reed
*exy like a chocolate strawberry
Randi Osborne?
Poor bloke, deformed from the neck down, pathetic little snag
I heard tamara let you stick it in her as* behind the old white koo wee rup church.
Those were the days
is it true that tamaras as*hole is the closest thing to heaven? and tastes like chocolate?
is it true you prefer women 140Kg ?
Every fat **** needs a friend
Out of everyone you know who has the most perfect p****?
Brad Lenders takes the cake! Feels so good in my hands :)
Thoughts on Ebony Willis?
For **** sake D-Huss i don't care how much you like her, just ask her out already you don't need my approval anymore!
is it true that Trent enlunds Dic* is huge.
If you had to choose kayley Pringle or Alex duff who would it be or Tamara
Option D;
Kayley's beautiful mother <3
Ebony Willis is a dirty Ganga, do you agree?
Pipe down D-Huss
Brad Harding ?
So long as he's mum keeps letting me chuck one in her on a regular basis, he's alright!
thoughts on bj parrott?
My albi brother, fellow proud Gulls enthusiast
Thoughts on T-Bag. ?
His aunties a ****ing ****
Brad Lenders?
Flog, fair **** though
Thoughts on #fatslu*willis
Thoughts on James Sopikiotis?
Would bang 10/10