Are you a selfish person ?
Yes. Only because I know where I'm going in life and more often than not, you must make selfish sacrifices in order to proceed in life
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
Girls Gone Wild in Rwanda.
They all had flappy boo*s and missing teeth.
Is it true you f*cked Lila Marriot then f*cked her sister a week or two later?
Yeah fkd their dog too
Cathrine O'Brien
I miss her.
Who was the last person to break your heart ?
The one who is still breaking it.
What even happened with you and her?
Couldn't keep her feelings to herself. Flirted with EVERYONE behind my back.. she lied. She pretty much cheated on me. She's not the innocent girl everyone thinks she is..
Wait til her Bro finds out...
What's he gonna do? Charge half of Mansfield!? :'D
You had *ex with Gab...
Not the only one
Hahahaha Gabby Pezzimenti!! Why did you root her!? Hairy?
As much as she screwed me over I'm not going to dog her over social media..
Who are you tuning?
Nobody. Still not over the last one
Why do you even talk to lila...?
Because she's one of the most amazing people I know. She is a real person and doesn't give a f*ck about what people think and that's rare in this day and age! She's the only person who has been there for me through everything! You whoever you are are a fake d*ickhole and a judgemental dog. She's a better person than you'll ever be no matter where you go in life.
Thoughts on Brooke Williams?
Haven't seen or heard from her in a while, but she's still a good chick
Ever thought that you should seek help? Like proper help instead of relying on friends?
Having true friends is a sense of security and help me a lot..
Hurry up and neck ya self u sook.
Wtf is wrong with you, you insensitive dog!?
Still love ya maccy friend for life
I don't believe in God anymore. If god was real he would have made you put yourself out of your own misery by now.
Wow.. thanks.
Hey dude your a great bloke and good friend catch up soon:)
Cheers fella :)
The last thing you bought ?
I warned you about her, little brother. She was always a head case and was always going to be. I never met her but doesn't change the fact that I think she is c word of a person. Stick to birdies in your own town yeah? ;)
Hey Ty
I kiss your sister.
If anyone but her boyfriend does I'll tamper with their face
God you have some trouble with women..
I know, I'm about over trying for them..
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
How to not let the opposite *ex get you your head and destroy you heart.
why do you ***** so much on fb? you sound like a twelve year old girl
Depression. Tell me I'm weak, tell me I don't try and help myself, tell me what ever. But don't question me until you know exactly what goes on inside my head.
Mol warnock
Miss her friendship and all that
Last person you ****ed?
Mrs palmer and her five daughters
Favourite 5 girls?
My mother.
I'll ram your as* like Craig rammed your car..
closest friend?
Probably Skilly, Lila and Jess..
Most annoying girl?
If you asked this , its probably you.
favorite song of all time?
Time of your life - Greenday
What is missing in your life?
A cuddle buddy and more seasons of The Walking Dead..
Hey wanna root Corzaa
Yeah meet me in the gardens at 8:37
Hey dude! You're an awesome kid! Great friend! I don't know why people take it upon themselves to bring others down but I thought I'd lighten the mood a little! You've done nothing but there for your friends and that is what makes you so great!
Cheers **** :)
You don't deserve all the hate you get! I think you are perfect. People are just mean. xx
Chin up
Inbox me you nice person
Why are you such a smart a s s, maybe why everyone hates you
I am myself and I'm really not that much of a smartars e
people are being quite disgraceful, threatening hannah wont get them much further than a hospital bed, if you do intend on hurting that girl you are going to have to go through me first,Do you think I'd let anyone hurt her or you for that matter? KaidH221
Bash the ***my sc*nts!!!!
I dunno why you call people pigs when you actually look like one
Ahhh, first of all, I don't have a kirly tail, a pig nose or flappy ears.
Your a stupid dog look how many girls you hurt and now with another slu* that your going to cheat on every week?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabahahahahababahahahahahahajrodnemejfuwlruch. Obviously a friend of taylahs
Courtney anketell, Tayla smith like don't get me wrong me and you are friends you just hurt to many girls
I didn't hurt Cortney, we stopped talking after a while...
I never liked taylah the way she liked me so it's kind of not my fault
Talisha's 14?
Still a 12ie to people she are like 5 years older
I can name a girl or two that you have hurt lol
Go ahead.
Your girlfriend is going to get f***ed up soon
And I'm going to get someone to f*** you up you disgraceful pig. Your just a filthy dog
Thoughts on Talisha Wheeler?
Why do you hurt so many girls?
I don't you you f*** head!!
Would you ever s*ck off ya best mate just for fun?
Why do you love Hannah so much?
Because she is perfect. She has a perfect smile. She has a perfect personality and I just love her
How did you know? :D f*** I'm bored are you????????????????????????????????????????????????? Retard!
You were sing it before!!! Doop doop!!
Winky winky b*m b*m poo poo titty titty winky winky b*m b*m pooooo
Nip nip balls sack hairy hairy b*m big t*** ballsack winky winky *** :D
f*** up bryce.
What do you like about poo?
Tastes better than ball sweat.
What do you think about Bryce Wessel? ;)
Complete and utter fanny rash. Hahaha he's my best mate what can I say?
Your girl should watch who she lips off to might of bet ebony but there's always stronger people out there
Who ever touches her I will do what ever they did to her to them. I wouldn't care if I got charged, I'd do anything for her.
You and Hannah are the f***ing cutest!
Caitlin? Hahahaha I love her to bits!!
do you miss anyone at Cathedral?
Yeah most people actually
You are the biggest wanker man***** cheating dog iv come across.
Ok, You believe what you want. Because in the end it will bite you a new arsehole you pig.
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?
Two goon bags a beer bong and a used dings